Quidditch World Cup Now Underway

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It's the Harry Potter opening night dinner that can be hosted at Artisan's Cafe, which is located at 8351 N. Main Street, Clayton, OH 45415. This special meal will be served from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm on Friday, November 19th. Will not find will be $20 for adults and $12 for teenagers 12 and under.

Warner Bros. Pictures generally be planning more "Harry Potter" spinoff movies, according to a report published along with Independent on Sept. 30, 2013. The fictional Hogwarts textbooks "quidditch Through the Ages," too as historical past of the of the book's fictional author, Kennilworthy Whisp, as well as the names of this quidditch teams the Wimbourne Wasps, the Chudley Cannons and the Kenmare Kestrels. "Tales of Beedle The Bard," another Hogwarts textbook, has also reportedly been trademarked.

If you're die-hard fan, like myself, this as an activity you will definitely want to see, in case you can't make a trip down to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios, Orlando. (It's AWESOME by the way.) If you think the $25 is rather much, gather about inaccurate ? you'll are you getting to be sorted by the Sorting Hat or fiddle with mandrakes your Herbology schoolroom. You'll also get a chance pay for very own wand, but be certain avoid the Avada Kadavra curse! Plus, with the final movie coming out this summer (tear, tear), why not get that little extra fill of Harry Potter in your.

I've been busy, for this reason this could be the first in support one of your series I've read. I suspect in case I see clearly early on, I would not be one with the devoted people. As it is, I probably will ultimately read other series, from the assumption it can get far.

This could be the book which introduces Dolores Umbridge, the vilest person ever to not ever be along with Lord Voldemort. She does the most horrible things, like making Harry write "I mustn't tell lies" about tens of thousands of times- within his own body!

There can also a group in this book who call themselves the Marauders: Moony (Remus Lupin), Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew, that vile little rat), Padfoot (Sirius Black), and Prongs (none pimple control James Potter). I enjoy loved to put together friends that offer genuine growing raise! Except for Wormtail, he will likely have been fed to Crookshanks!

J. K. Rowling was on the train from Manchester when she says the regarding Harry Potter just "popped" into her head. She had never before been so thrilled by an thought. She completely her first manuscript for Harry Potter along with the Philosopher's Stone in 1996. Eight out of nine publishers rejected tale before the agency of Bloomsbury agreed to post the story.

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