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\\"Leaning tower of Pisa. " This is a danger sign. If she leans away from you, take the hint and move on to another girl. Unless you're up to the challenge, there will simply be no way in echt that you'll get her, let alone have coffee with her. Don't waste your time.\

\\The hairs on the muzzle are a little more important, but again, most horses don't use them as much as their wild counterparts. You horse most likely is well fed, on good pasture, and doesn't have to forage for feed. That said, unless your shows ring requires you to, don't clip these hairs completely away. Trimming them back to about half an inch gives your horse the information he needs to sift for tiny grains or the best grass, but keeps these sensitive hairs out of the way of the bit and bridle.\

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\\A pursed mouth is daher an indicator of lying. The reason for this tell-tale sign is that when people lie, they can't get enough oxygen. To compensate they kann breathe through their mouths instead of through their noses.\

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