Collection: Museo Comunitario Yimba Cajc - Rey Curré

Dublin Core


Collection: Museo Comunitario Yimba Cajc - Rey Curré



Collection Items

Taburete de armadillo - Armadillo stool
Sirve para sentar a los niños para que las ágüelas se sienten a tejer. Serves as a place where children can sit; as a place where grandmothers can sit down for knitting.

Tray Straw Basket
[ES] [EN]For carrying out different articles

Cuenco decorativo - Decorative bowl
Cuenco decorativo hecho de calabaza. Decorative bowl made from a gourd.

Pequeña máscara de madera - Small wooden mask
Sirve para proteger la identidad del indígena Brunka. Réplica de una máscara indígena más grande Serves for protecting the identity of the indigenous Brunca (i.e from being revealed). Replica of larger indigenous mask.
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