Sir Hilary Beckles on the topic "Barbadians in the UK after 1945"
2020 Lecture Series presented by the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, under the theme- "Buhbadus ta de World": Origins and Legacy of Barbadian Migration."
2020 Lecture Series presented by the Barbados Museum & Historical Society under the theme "Buhbadus ta de World": Origins and Legacy of Barbadian Migration."
This lecture was a part of the 2019 Barbados Museum & Historical Society 2019 Lecture under the theme: "From Invitation to Deportation: 70 Years of Windrush Generation."
Kreol West Indies unveils thousands of objects of Creole heritage by mixing works by renowned contemporary artists. It's also the logo of a fun clothing line ... Come and be surprised ... there are two locations: Guadeloupe and Marie-Galante!
Casa Tornini, Museo - Centro Cultural ha establecido como misiĂłn proteger, conservar, difundir y desarrollar el patrimonio e identidad cultural de Caldera y Atacama, mediante la gestiĂłn de instancias de acercamiento a las artes, la educaciĂłn, lasâŠ
El museo es el lugar en el que se salvaguardan buena parte de las imĂĄgenes procesionales de las distintas cofradĂas, hermandades y corporaciones de la ciudad, en particular de los Poblados MarĂtimos.
El espacio museĂstico se articula en una ĂșnicaâŠ
Presenta un recorrido histĂłrico del territorio forestal y la comunidad cordillerana, formada en torno a diversas faenas de explotaciĂłn industrial del bosque nativo. Durante el siglo XX, fueron testigos de importantes acontecimientos y procesosâŠ
El Centro de Cultura Tradicional Curarrehue tiene como finalidad rescatar y valorizar las tradiciones y elementos caracterĂsticos que configuran la idiosincrasia de la cultura popular y tradicional de la RegiĂłn del BĂo-BĂo.
O Centro Interpretativo de Atouguia da Baleia tem como objetivo o estudo, valorização e divulgação do patrimĂłnio histĂłrico e cultural do concelho, proporcionando uma visĂŁo integrada da RegiĂŁo HistĂłrica de Atouguia da Baleia. Para tal, abarcaâŠ
O NĂșcleo MuseolĂłgico do Sal tem o objetivo de interpretar, valorizar e difundir testemunhos singulares reportados Ă relação secular do Homem com o territĂłrio das salinas do concelho da Figueira da Foz.
Situado na Salina Municipal do Corredor daâŠ
Esta estrutura museolĂłgica destina-se a dar a conhecer ao visitante a histĂłria do Rio ZĂȘzere e estĂĄ instalado na antiga Tulha dos Cabrais.
Historicamente os Cabrais foram a mais importante famĂlia de Belmonte, grandes proprietĂĄrios construĂramâŠ
Encontra-se instalado num edifĂcio antes ocupado pelo matadouro municipal, remodelado e ampliado em 2007. Percorrendo as suas salas, ingressamos no mundo da emigração ilegal dos anos 60 e 70, conhecendo todos os momentos, desde as causas, aâŠ
The Highland Folk Museum is Britainâs first open air museum. It demonstrates through traditional and living displays how Highland people lived and worked from the 1700s up to 1950. The site is one mile long, and has a working croft, live animals andâŠ
This site celebrates Intangible Cultural Heritage - the practices, representations and expressions that are central to the lives and identities of communities, groups and individuals across Scotland. In its many and varied forms from culturalâŠ
O projeto MEMORIAMEDIA tem como objetivos o estudo, a inventariação e divulgação de manifestaçÔes do patrimĂłnio cultural imaterial: expressĂ”es orais; prĂĄticas performativas; celebraçÔes; o saber-fazer de artes e ofĂcios e as prĂĄticas e conhecimentosâŠ
La misiĂłn del museo es divulgar el conocimiento de la Prehistoria Chilena y colaborar con la educaciĂłn y la cultura nacional, y preservar el Patrimonio ArqueolĂłgico e HistĂłrico de Chile.
The Chan Chan Site Museum was created and put into social use in 1990. Since then, the role of managing, conserving, displaying and disseminating the cultural heritage that it has been in custody has been fulfilled, contributing to the interpretationâŠ
Nuestra misiĂłn es crear un espacio de resguardo, exhibiciĂłn y puesta en valor de objetos y documentos con valor patrimonial para la comunidad local, que refleje el modo de vida local y que sea esencialmente un espacio abierto que permita el encuentroâŠ
El Museu incluye una colecciĂłn arqueolĂłgica de 320 objetos acompañada de novedosos recursos museogrĂĄficos que ilustran los diversos aspectos de la sociedad de Caral. Entre los obejetos destacan los objetos de diferenciaciĂłn social, como los collaresâŠ
El recinto situado en la calle Herrera 650 en la comuna de Santiago Centro, busca contar la vida del barrio y de sus residentes con fotografĂas, cartas, muebles y otras pertenencias que han sido donadas por los mismos vecinos.
Yungay esâŠ
El Museo Comunitario Leymebamba se ubica en la región Amazonas, se inauguró en el año 2000 y alberga mås de 200 momias provenientes de la Laguna de los Cóndores y material arqueológico y etnogråfico de la zona.
La arquitectura del museo es unâŠ
El Museo de Artes Decorativas Villa LucĂa nace del esfuerzo y visiĂłn del Dr. Daniel FernĂĄndez Dodds, quien hoy dirige este espacio cultural de la provincia de San Antonio. El 2001 adquiriĂł la propiedad e iniciĂł un minucioso y continuo proceso deâŠ
El museo presenta, en sus diversas salas, colecciones de arte y cerĂĄmica legados por los anteriores dueños del edificio asĂ como procedentes de excavaciones del entorno y otras donaciones. Situado en una antigua casa señorial del siglo XVIII, cuyosâŠ
Este museo busca contribuir a fortalecer la identidad religiosa del hombre y de la mujer del norte grande de Chile, actuando como un foco que permita la generaciĂłn en la comunidad de la autoconciencia de su identidad, con el fin de valorar,âŠ
El Museo de la Vivencia Religiosa del Norte Grande busca contribuir a fortalecer la identidad religiosa del hombre y de la mujer del norte grande de Chile, actuando como un foco que permita la generaciĂłn en la comunidad de la autoconciencia de suâŠ
El museo de Pisac ofrece una exposiciĂłn sobre el proceso de producciĂłn de los tejidos tĂpicos de las comunidades quechuas llamados away. El visitante podrĂĄ conocer la materia prima utilizada, el proceso de teñido de fibras con plantas nativas, elâŠ
La misión del museo es contribuir a la formación de los niños del mundo rural, y ademås conservar y preservar todos los elementos patrimoniales que se relacionan con el hombre y su entorno.
El Museo forma parte de la Red de Museos Escolares "Aprendiendo con nuestros sentidos para conservar nuestra biodiversidad". Es una iniciativa que surgiĂł en el Instituto de ZoologĂa de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Austral de Chile, bajoâŠ
El Museo Historico de Melipeuco busca preservar y poner en valor el patrimonio cultural de la comuna y sus alrededores. Esto a traves de muestras comunitarias que se realizan en un trabajo entre la Municplaidad de Melipeuco y los vecinos de laâŠ
El Museo recibe el nombre de Museo HistĂłrico y ArqueolĂłgico Arturo Möller Sandrock, en homenaje a su gestor y principal donante de las piezas que se exponen en el museo. Este riobuenino reuniĂł durante su vida un conjunto de colecciones que su familiaâŠ
La campiña de Moche en los alrededores de Trujillo, conserva con orgullo las huacas del Sol y de la Luna (s. I-VIII d.C.) y su moderno museo de sitio, convertidos en un polo turĂstico y recurso para el desarrollo comunitario.
Los programas deâŠ
La misiĂłn del museo es rescatar, proteger, promover y colocar en valor la cultura ancestral y campesina local en todas sus manifestaciones y diversidad, mediante la salvaguarda del patrimonio cultural y natural material e inmaterial promoviendo unâŠ
El Museo Tringlo de Lago Ranco emplazado a escasos metros de la costanera del lago conserva y expone una valiosa colecciĂłn de cerĂĄmica indĂgena prehispĂĄnica e histĂłrica, con piezas excepcionales recuperadas de Lago Ranco y su entorno. Fue creado enâŠ
O Museu ComunitĂĄrio assume-se como um espaço e um tempo consagrados Ă comunicação entre micaelenses. Entre os que vivem em S. Miguel de Machede e aqueles que se encontram fora da sua terra; entre os vivos e aqueles que jĂĄ desapareceram; entre os maisâŠ
VĂdeo do Museu da MemĂłria Rural de Vilarinho da Castanheira. Complemento audiovisual do discurso museogrĂĄfico patente nesta unidade museolĂłgica do concelho de Carrazeda de AnsiĂŁes
Esta infraestrutura museolĂłgica vem dar corpo e complementar algumas das valĂȘncias que jĂĄ funcionam no seio da Associação Cultural, Desportiva e Recreativa da Graciosa (ACDRG), nomeadamente as ligadas Ă educação ambiental, Ă educação em geral e Ă âŠ
O museu privilegia a preservação in situ de coleçÔes e edifĂcios, a incorporação de espĂłlios etnogrĂĄficos e oficinais que espelhem a cultura local, e a integração no Museu, a tĂtulo de depĂłsito, dação ou doação, de outras coleçÔes ou objetosâŠ
A ADPCMR, que tutela o Museu, tem por objectivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Comunidade. Respeitando o Ontem, agindo no Hoje e pensando no AmanhĂŁ. Tem como objetivos, contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Comunidade; Recolher, preservar eâŠ
Trata-se de um museu construĂdo de raiz, que dissipa com o seu olhar, a Costa Vicentina, na sua parte mais meridional, rica em vestĂgios do mesolĂtico ao perĂodo ĂĄrabe, elegendo a aldeia da Carrapateira como o microcosmo dos habitats ribeirinhosâŠ
O Museu do Trabalho Rural, da Freguesia de Abela, estĂĄ instalado no edifĂcio que foi o antigo quartel da Guarda Nacional Republicana.
Pretende manter viva a memĂłria da vida e dos costumes da comunidade e da regiĂŁo do Alentejo.
Museu do Traje de SĂŁo BrĂĄs de Alportel ocupa uma ĂĄrea de 5000 m2. O edifĂcio senhorial que ao longo dos Ășltimos 130 anos foi moradia das famĂlias Dias, Andrade e Sancho, encontra-se rodeado por infraestruturas que satisfaziam as necessidades de umaâŠ
A estrutura, construĂda pedra a pedra por artesĂŁos e mĂŁo de obra locais, fica Ă entrada de Vila ChĂŁ de SĂĄ. No espaço, hĂĄ representaçÔes de uma memĂłria ligada Ă produção de bens colectivos que geravam riqueza e faziam a economia mexer: o moinho deâŠ
Trata-se de um museu cuja ideia foi concebida por emigrantes em França originĂĄrios de Salselas, ideia que mais tarde foi acolhida pelo municĂpio local. O nĂșcleo expositivo encontra-se dividido por duas temĂĄticas: O Universo do Homem e a Sociedade. OâŠ
Espaço museolĂłgico localizado no lugar de um antigo lagar comunitĂĄrio. Este museu da aldeia de Caravela foi criado com base em peças oferecidas pela prĂłpria população. ApĂłs uma recolha de peças entre os habitantes foi criada esta exposição aberta aâŠ
Museu rural, de iniciativa privada, apoiado pela Junta de Freguesia, esta estabelecido num antigo lagar comunitĂĄrio, este espaço alberga algum espĂłlio de cariz etnolĂłgico, que testemunham as atividades agrossilvopastoris e artesanais tradicionais,âŠ
Este museu apresenta-nos um vasto leque de espĂłlio, rural, artĂstico e popular; nele podemos apreciar saberes populares como a tecelagem, compreender a casa rural, descobrir usos e costumes das geraçÔes que nos precedem. Desta-se o seu nĂșcleo na CasaâŠ
Situado no Complexo Desportivo e Cultural da Quinta das Pratas, este espaço constitui um dos locais de maior interesse do concelho, reunindo elementos que permitem conhecer a histĂłria e a tradição da terra, assim como as principais atividades queâŠ
Situado no Complexo Desportivo e Cultural da Quinta das Pratas, este espaço constitui um dos locais de maior interesse do concelho, reunindo elementos que permitem conhecer a histĂłria e a tradição da terra, assim como as principais atividades queâŠ
Rome Museum, located in Walker in the Parish of St. Andrew, is an extended collection of items and artefacts from Grenadaâs past. Collected items range from fragments of âJanetâ houses to workersâ lunch boxes to an outside mud oven. The collection isâŠ
The Scottish Fisheries Museum tells the stories of the boats, fish and folk that have underpinned this nationally important industry from prehistoric times to the present. The museum thrives on its links to fishing communities around Scotland to careâŠ
The Scottish Fisheries Museum was set up to celebrate the fishing heritage of Scotland. It is based in Anstruther, Fife, which was a very important fishing town up until the 20th century. The museum charts how, over time, the fishing industry came toâŠ
This collaboration between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean is designed to facilitate the bringing together of rural communities, to enable the sharing of knowledge and experiences to protect their Cultural Heritage, increase social cohesionâŠ
The Museum of Islay Life is managed by the Islay Museums Trust and has as its principal aim the conservation and display of items illustrative of life in Islay, from prehistoric to recent times. Since then, the Museum, with the generous help ofâŠ
Museum of Islay Life, Islay, Scotland
This collaboration between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean is designed to facilitate the bringing together of rural communities, to enable the sharing of knowledge and experiences to protect theirâŠ
Localizado na Rua de Santa Madalena, em Entradas (Castro Verde), o Museu da Ruralidade assume um importante papel na salvaguarda do patrimĂłnio imaterial do Campo Branco e, em particular, na criação de um espaço de diĂĄlogo entre o patrimĂłnio materialâŠ
Localizado na Rua de Santa Madalena, em Entradas (Castro Verde), o Museu da Ruralidade assume um importante papel na salvaguarda do patrimĂłnio imaterial do Campo Branco e, em particular, na criação de um espaço de diĂĄlogo entre o patrimĂłnio materialâŠ
A ADPCMR, que tutela o Museu, tem por objectivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Comunidade. Respeitando o Ontem, agindo no Hoje e pensando no AmanhĂŁ. Tem como objetivos, contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Comunidade; Recolher, preservar eâŠ
O Museu da Comunidade Concelhia da Batelha tem como missĂŁo o estudo, a preservação, a valorização e a divulgação do PatrimĂłnio, promovendo a Cultura desta regiĂŁo. Para tal, apresenta um programa expositivo dinĂąmico, de cariz pedagĂłgico, que envolveâŠ
O Ecomuseu de Ribeira de Pena pretende preservar e divulgar o patrimĂłnio cultural da comunidade ribeirapenense, assim como promover e dinamizar a ação cultural na sua regiĂŁo de implantação. Integra os vĂĄrios museus do municĂpio instalados emâŠ
O Ecomuseu de Ribeira de Pena pretende preservar e divulgar o patrimĂłnio cultural da comunidade ribeirapenense, assim como promover e dinamizar a ação cultural na sua regiĂŁo de implantação. Integra os vĂĄrios museus do municĂpio instalados emâŠ
O Museu da Terra de Miranda evoca o tempo longo do planalto mirandĂȘs. A visita permite descobrir traços caracterĂsticos da vida social e cultural de uma regiĂŁo com uma forte identidade.
O Museu expĂ”e coleçÔes de carĂĄcter cultural, etnogrĂĄfico eâŠ
No Museu da Terra de Miranda temos colecçÔes de etnologia, testemunhos da ancestralidade e tradiçÔes do povo mirandĂȘs, destacando-se o seu vestuĂĄrio tradicional, os tituais, a dança dos paliteiros e recriação de espaços tradicionais.
O Museu da Terra de Miranda evoca o tempo longo do planalto mirandĂȘs. A visita permite descobrir traços caracterĂsticos da vida social e cultural de uma regiĂŁo com uma forte identidade.
O Museu da Agricultura de FermentĂ”es, que integra a valĂȘncia cultural da Casa do Povo de FermentĂ”es, estĂĄ situado na freguesia de FermentĂ”es, e dista cerca de 4 Km do centro histĂłrico da cidade de GuimarĂŁes. O Museu possui diversas salas onde podemâŠ
O Museu possui diversas salas onde podem ser apreciadas peças ligadas ao trabalho e Ă vida agrĂcola da regiĂŁo, bem como um vasto espĂłlio fotogrĂĄfico e documental.
Unst Heritage Trust and Unst Boat Haven are dedicated to the cultural heritage and history of this most northerly island in Scotland. The collection includes fine original wooden boats of various types that have been in use over the past 140âŠ
Unst Heritage Centre, Shetland Islands, Scotland
This collaboration between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean is designed to facilitate the bringing together of rural communities, to enable the sharing of knowledge and experiences to protectâŠ
The Costa Rica festival video forms part of a suite of videos being hosted on the project website and database to celebrate cultural heritage, intergenerational transmission of knowledge, and youth empowerment between regions.
This collaborationâŠ
El Museu del Palmito de Aldaia (MUPA) es el centro de difusiĂłn de la artesanĂa y el arte del abanico de Aldaia y la Comunidad Valenciana. EstĂĄ situado en la Casa de la Llotgeta, un edificio señorial de estilo renacentista de finales del siglo XVI yâŠ
O Ecomuseu Terra Mater â Ecomuseu de la Tierra de Miranda centra-se nos quatro elementos primordiais â a ĂĄgua, a terra, o fogo e o ar â propondo atividades de dinamização e de valorização relacionadas com estes elementos e com as prĂĄticasâŠ
O Ecomuseu Terra Mater â Ecomuseu de la Tierra de Miranda centra-se nos quatro elementos primordiais â a ĂĄgua, a terra, o fogo e o ar â propondo atividades de dinamização e de valorização relacionadas com estes elementos e com as prĂĄticasâŠ
Leighton Rhett Radford "Darcus" Howe (26 February 1943 â 1 April 2017) was a British broadcaster, writer, and racial justice campaigner. Originally from Trinidad, Howe arrived in England as a teenager in 1961, intending to study law and settling inâŠ
Leighton Rhett Radford "Darcus" Howe (26 February 1943 â 1 April 2017) was a British broadcaster, writer, and racial justice campaigner. Originally from Trinidad, Howe arrived in England as a teenager in 1961, intending to study law and settling inâŠ
Walter Daniel John Tull (28 April 1888 â 25 March 1918) was an English professional footballer and British Army officer of Afro-Caribbean descent. He played as an inside forward and half back for Clapton, Tottenham Hotspur and Northampton Town andâŠ
Guy moved from Jamaica to Bristol in 1961 to live with his aunt, as his father thought that he would receive a better education in England, which they called the âMother Countryâ. Guy was disappointed by the lack of support for Black students and theâŠ
Guy moved from Jamaica to Bristol in 1961 to live with his aunt, as his father thought that he would receive a better education in England, which they called the âMother Countryâ. Guy was disappointed by the lack of support for Black students and theâŠ
Asquith Camile Xavier was a West Indian-born Briton who ended a colour bar at British Railways in London by fighting to become the first non-white train guard at Euston railway station in 1966.
Trevor Phillips, when chairman of the Commission forâŠ
Asquith Camile Xavier was a West Indian-born Briton who ended a colour bar at British Railways in London by fighting to become the first non-white train guard at Euston railway station in 1966.
Trevor Phillips, when chairman of the Commission forâŠ
Wilfred Denniston Wood KA (born 15 June 1936) was Bishop of Croydon from 1985 to 2003, the first black bishop in the Church of England
Born in Barbados to Wilfred Coward and Elsie Elmira Wood, in Proute, St Thomas, Wood [later Sir Wilfred] attendedâŠ
Wilfred Denniston Wood KA (born 15 June 1936) was Bishop of Croydon from 1985 to 2003, the first black bishop in the Church of England
Born in Barbados to Wilfred Coward and Elsie Elmira Wood, in Proute, St Thomas, Wood [later Sir Wilfred] attendedâŠ
For over 30 years, the name Stephen Wiltshire has been synonymous with finely-detailed, vigorous pen and ink drawings of the worldâs great cities. These drawings â often drawn from memory and at a great speed -are sketched on the spot at street levelâŠ
Aubrey Williams (8 May 1926 â 17 April 1990) was a Guyanese artist. He was best known for his large, oil-on-canvas paintings, which combine elements of abstract expressionism with forms, images and symbols inspired by the pre-Columbian art ofâŠ
Aubrey Williams (8 May 1926 â 17 April 1990) was a Guyanese artist. He was best known for his large, oil-on-canvas paintings, which combine elements of abstract expressionism with forms, images and symbols inspired by the pre-Columbian art ofâŠ
The London Borough of Ealing and the black education movement in London bear the imprint of Willis Darnley Wilkieâs tireless struggle for childrenâs education rights and social justice.
Born on the 3rd of October 1926, Willis was one of that earlyâŠ
The London Borough of Ealing and the black education movement in London bear the imprint of Willis Darnley Wilkieâs tireless struggle for childrenâs education rights and social justice.
Born on the 3rd of October 1926, Willis was one of that earlyâŠ
Born in Belize, Errollyn Wallen gave up her training at the Dance Theater of Harlem, New York to study composition at the universities of London and Cambridge. She founded her own Ensemble X, and its motto âWe donât break down barriers in music⊠weâŠ
Born in Belize, Errollyn Wallen gave up her training at the Dance Theater of Harlem, New York to study composition at the universities of London and Cambridge. She founded her own Ensemble X, and its motto âWe donât break down barriers in music⊠weâŠ
Rudolph Malcolm Walker was born on September 28, 1939 in Trinidad, British West Indies.
Walker broke many barriers as a performer, working extensively in theatre and becoming the first black person to star in a major television series.
Rudolph Malcolm Walker was born on September 28, 1939 in Trinidad, British West Indies.
Walker broke many barriers as a performer, working extensively in theatre and becoming the first black person to star in a major television series.
Lord John David Beckett Taylor, the first black Tory peer was the son of a professional cricketer and a nurse (both Jamaican). He was educated at Moseley Grammar School in Birmingham and Keele University.
He was called to the Bar in 1978, when heâŠ
Moira Stuartâs career in radio and television spans three decades. She started her BBC career as a production assistant in Radioâs Talks and Documentaries department in the 1970âs, before moving on to become a BBC Radio 4 announcer and newsreader, âŠ
Sir Kenneth Stuart was educated at Harrison College in Barbados and Queens University in Belfast. Sir Kenneth served as Professor and Dean of the Department of Medicine at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica; a consultant at UniversityâŠ
Andrea Stuart was born and raised in the Caribbean. .She studied English at the University of East Anglia and French at the Sorbonne. Her first book, Showgirls, was published by Jonathan Cape in 1996. It was adapted into a two-part documentary for âŠ
Sir Michael Ronald Stoute is a Barbadian British thoroughbred horse trainer in flat racing.
Stoute, (born 22 October 1945) whose father was the Chief of Police for Barbados, left the island in 1964 at the age of 19 to become an assistant to trainerâŠ
Sir Michael Ronald Stoute is a Barbadian British thoroughbred horse trainer in flat racing.
Stoute, (born 22 October 1945) whose father was the Chief of Police for Barbados, left the island in 1964 at the age of 19 to become an assistant to trainerâŠ
Born in Barbados on 30 October in 1934,Sam came to the United Kingdom in the 1950s and started his working life with London Transport as a conductor and later a driver of trolley and diesel buses. He worked with London Transport until 1986,when heâŠ
Born in Barbados on 30 October in 1934,Sam came to the United Kingdom in the 1950s and started his working life with London Transport as a conductor and later a driver of trolley and diesel buses. He worked with London Transport until 1986,when heâŠ
Zadie Smith, originally Sadie Smith, (born October 27, 1975, London, England), is a British author known for her treatment of race, religion, and cultural identity and for her novelsâ eccentric characters, savvy humour, and snappy dialogue. SheâŠ
Queens Council and joint first black woman peer, Patricia Scotland was born in Dominica in 1956, and arrived in Britain at the age of 2 along with 10 other siblings. As she grew she took a liking for dance and wanted to be a modern expressionistâŠ
Queens Council and joint first black woman peer, Patricia Scotland was born in Dominica in 1956, and arrived in Britain at the age of 2 along with 10 other siblings. As she grew she took a liking for dance and wanted to be a modern expressionistâŠ
Samuel Selvon, in full Samuel Dickson Selvon, (born May 20, 1923, Trinidad â died April 16, 1994, Port of Spain), Caribbean novelist and short-story writer of East Indian descent, known for his vivid evocation of the life of East Indians living inâŠ
Samuel Selvon, in full Samuel Dickson Selvon, (born May 20, 1923, Trinidad â died April 16, 1994, Port of Spain), Caribbean novelist and short-story writer of East Indian descent, known for his vivid evocation of the life of East Indians living inâŠ
Lord Kitchener, (Aldwyn Roberts), Trinidadian singer and songwriter (born April 18, 1922, Arima, Trinidad, British West Indies â died Feb. 11, 2000, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago), was called the âgrandmaster of calypsoâ and was instrumental inâŠ
Lord Kitchener, (Aldwyn Roberts), Trinidadian singer and songwriter (born April 18, 1922, Arima, Trinidad, British West Indies â died Feb. 11, 2000, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago), was called the âgrandmaster of calypsoâ and was instrumental inâŠ
Cyrille Regis was born on the 9th of February 1958 in Maripasoula, French Guiana, the son of Robert Regis, a labourer from Saint Lucia and Mathilde Regis, a seamstress. His father moved to England in 1962, with the rest of the family, includingâŠ
Cyrille Regis was born on the 9th of February 1958 in Maripasoula, French Guiana, the son of Robert Regis, a labourer from Saint Lucia and Mathilde Regis, a seamstress. His father moved to England in 1962, with the rest of the family, includingâŠ
Medic, political pioneer and labour peer for Hamstead, the late Lord David Pitt of Hampstead was the longest serving black Parliamentarian, having been granted a life peerage in 1975. He spent his life speaking out for the underrepresented blackâŠ
Medic, political pioneer and labour peer for Hamstead, the late Lord David Pitt of Hampstead was the longest serving black Parliamentarian, having been granted a life peerage in 1975. He spent his life speaking out for the underrepresented blackâŠ
Former broadcaster and chair of the Greater London Assembly, Trevor Phillips was born in London in 1953. His parents, wanting him to have the best education, enrolled him at the Queen's College Boys School in Guyana, resulting in him spending theâŠ
Caryl Phillips was born on 13 March 1958 on the Caribbean island of St Kitts. He grew up in Leeds, England, and read English at Queen's College, Oxford. He is the author of six novels, several books of non-fiction and has written for film, theatre,âŠ
Caryl Phillips was born on 13 March 1958 on the Caribbean island of St Kitts. He grew up in Leeds, England, and read English at Queen's College, Oxford. He is the author of six novels, several books of non-fiction and has written for film, theatre,âŠ
Lord Ouseley was born in Guyana in 1945, and came to England when he was 11. He was educated at William Penn School and Catford College, where he gained a diploma in municipal administration. He was appointed as the first principal race relationsâŠ
Lord Ouseley was born in Guyana in 1945, and came to England when he was 11. He was educated at William Penn School and Catford College, where he gained a diploma in municipal administration. He was appointed as the first principal race relationsâŠ
Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul TC, most commonly known as V. S. Naipaul, and informally, Vidia Naipaul, was a Trinidadian-British writer of works of fiction and nonfiction in English.
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born in rural Trinidad on 17âŠ
Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul TC, most commonly known as V. S. Naipaul, and informally, Vidia Naipaul, was a Trinidadian-British writer of works of fiction and nonfiction in English.
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born in rural Trinidad on 17âŠ
Carmen Munroe is a British actress best known for her role as Shirley, the wife of barber Desmond Ambrose, played by Norman Beaton, in the British TV sitcom Desmondâs (1989 to 1994). She was born in Berbice, Guyana on November 12th 1932 and has beenâŠ
Carmen Munroe is a British actress best known for her role as Shirley, the wife of barber Desmond Ambrose, played by Norman Beaton, in the British TV sitcom Desmondâs (1989 to 1994). She was born in Berbice, Guyana on November 12th 1932 and has beenâŠ
Lord Beginner (born Egbert Moore) was at the heart of the expansion of calypso music immediately after WW2. Originally from Trinidad, Beginner recorded and toured in New York with other leading members of the Trinidad's "Old Brigade" of calypsonians,âŠ
Lord Beginner (born Egbert Moore) was at the heart of the expansion of calypso music immediately after WW2. Originally from Trinidad, Beginner recorded and toured in New York with other leading members of the Trinidad's "Old Brigade" of calypsonians,âŠ
Wayne Marshall was born in Oldham, Lancashire, to Barbadian parents, on January 13,1961. He played the piano by ear at three, and began lessons at seven. He studied organ and piano at 11 at Chethamâs School of Music in Manchester.  Later studies wereâŠ
Sir (Oshely) Roy Marshall was born on October 21, 1920. He was one of 6 children who lost their father when Roy was 10 years old. His mother Korine worked tirelessly to support and allow the family to thrive.
He was educated at Harrison College,âŠ
Althea McNish FCSD (born c. 1933) is a British textile designer of Trinidadian origin who has been called the first British designer of African descent to earn an international reputation.
Althea Marjorie McNish was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad,âŠ
Althea McNish FCSD (born c. 1933) is a British textile designer of Trinidadian origin who has been called the first British designer of African descent to earn an international reputation.
Althea Marjorie McNish was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad,âŠ
Dalton McConney is a retired Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector. He mostly served as a uniformed officer in South London and came to prominence following the second Brixton riots In the mid-eighties. He was born in Barbados and educated at EbenezerâŠ
Dalton McConney is a retired Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector. He mostly served as a uniformed officer in South London and came to prominence following the second Brixton riots In the mid-eighties. He was born in Barbados and educated at EbenezerâŠ
Val McCalla arrived in England in May 1959, aged 15, with dreams of being a pilot. He joined the RAF, but his plans were soon grounded by a perforated eardrum. He spent five years in the supplies section, where he picked up book-keepingâŠ
Val McCalla arrived in England in May 1959, aged 15, with dreams of being a pilot. He joined the RAF, but his plans were soon grounded by a perforated eardrum. He spent five years in the supplies section, where he picked up book-keepingâŠ
Born in Trinidad in 1939, Trevor worked in various aspects of the media including local newspapers, radio and television. He joined the Caribbean Regional Service of the BBC World Service in 1960 as a producer, before moving to London at the end ofâŠ
Born in Trinidad in 1939, Trevor worked in various aspects of the media including local newspapers, radio and television. He joined the Caribbean Regional Service of the BBC World Service in 1960 as a producer, before moving to London at the end ofâŠ
Andrea Levy was born in London, England in 1956 to Jamaican parents. She is the author of five novels, each of which explore - from different perspectives - the problems faced by black British-born children of Jamaican emigrants. Her first novel,âŠ
Lennox Claudius Lewis was born in Stratford, London on 2 September 1965 to Jamaican parents.
Lewis made his professional debut at The Royal Albert Hall, in England on June 27, 1989 and proceeded to seize 20 victories - 17 being by straightâŠ
George William Lamming, (born June 8, 1927, Carrington Village, near Bridgetown, Barbados), is a West Indian novelist and essayist who wrote about decolonization and reconstruction in the Caribbean nations.
At Combermere High School, Lamming studiedâŠ
From her modest beginnings as a singer in English dance halls, Cleo Laine has gone on to achieve international fame by continually expanding her talents in a career which spans some four decades. She is one of the most celebrated singers of our time.âŠ
Claudia Jones, feminist, black nationalist, political activist, community leader, communist and journalist, has been described as the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival. The diversity of her political affiliations clearly illustrated herâŠ
Claudia Jones, feminist, black nationalist, political activist, community leader, communist and journalist, has been described as the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival. The diversity of her political affiliations clearly illustrated herâŠ
Linton Kwesi Johnson was born in 1952 in Chapelton, Jamaica. He moved to London in 1963 to be with his mother and went on to read Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He joined the Black Panther movement in 1970, organising a poetryâŠ
Linton Kwesi Johnson was born in 1952 in Chapelton, Jamaica. He moved to London in 1963 to be with his mother and went on to read Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He joined the Black Panther movement in 1970, organising a poetryâŠ
Nola Ishmael left Barbados In 1963 to start her nursing career in the National Health Service (NHS) at a hospital in Bishops Stortford. She later moved to the Whittington Hospital in London to gain her State Registration Qualification. Within 18âŠ
Nola Ishmael left Barbados In 1963 to start her nursing career in the National Health Service (NHS) at a hospital in Bishops Stortford. She later moved to the Whittington Hospital in London to gain her State Registration Qualification. Within 18âŠ
Paul Emerson Carlyle Ince, born on 21 October 1967 in Ilford, London to Barbadian parents, is a former professional footballer who played as a midfielder from 1982 to 2007. He was capped 53 times by England, scoring two goals.
Ince spent theâŠ
C.L.R. James, in full Cyril Lionel Robert James, (born Jan. 4, 1901, Tunapuna, Trinidad â died May 31, 1989, London, Eng.), was a West Indian-born cultural historian, cricket writer, and political activist who was a leading figure in the Pan-AfricanâŠ
C.L.R. James, in full Cyril Lionel Robert James, (born Jan. 4, 1901, Tunapuna, Trinidad â died May 31, 1989, London, Eng.), was a West Indian-born cultural historian, cricket writer, and political activist who was a leading figure in the Pan-AfricanâŠ
Born and brought up in superlative St George, John was educated at St Giles School, then Combermere High School, representing Combermere at first team level in Barbados first division cricket competition.
In 1964, he migrated to the UK underâŠ
Born and brought up in superlative St George, John was educated at St Giles School, then Combermere High School, representing Combermere at first team level in Barbados first division cricket competition.
In 1964, he migrated to the UK underâŠ
Comedian and one of the founders of comic relief, born on August 29th 1958 in Dudley, West Midlands to a Jamaican family, Lenworth George Henry shot to fame in 1975 aged just 17. After doing impressions to amuse his classmates as a child, Lenny wonâŠ
One of seven siblings, Russel Henderson grew up in Port Of Spain, Trinidad, initially learning to play the piano, and subsequently steel-pan.
By 1948, at the age of 24, Henderson had achieved a fair amount of success with his jazz quartet inâŠ
One of seven siblings, Russel Henderson grew up in Port Of Spain, Trinidad, initially learning to play the piano, and subsequently steel-pan.
By 1948, at the age of 24, Henderson had achieved a fair amount of success with his jazz quartet inâŠ
Born on the 12th of March 1927, Aaron attended Combermere School after which he travelled to Trinidad to attend the Seventh Day Adventist College. He graduated from there in 1945, gaining a teaching posting at an elementary school in San Juan andâŠ
Born on the 12th of March 1927, Aaron attended Combermere School after which he travelled to Trinidad to attend the Seventh Day Adventist College. He graduated from there in 1945, gaining a teaching posting at an elementary school in San Juan andâŠ
Born in Barbados in 1941, in his teens Trevor became an outstanding leader in the Church Ladsâ Brigade, first visiting the UK on its behalf, aged 16. In the early 60s, he travelled to England to work for London Transport while maintaining hisâŠ
Born in Barbados in 1941, in his teens Trevor became an outstanding leader in the Church Ladsâ Brigade, first visiting the UK on its behalf, aged 16. In the early 60s, he travelled to England to work for London Transport while maintaining hisâŠ
Stuart McPhail Hall, Jamaican-born British cultural theorist and academic (born Feb. 3, 1932, Kingston, Jamaica â died Feb. 10, 2014, London, England), was a pioneer in the field of cultural studies, an interdisciplinary approach to the role ofâŠ
Stuart McPhail Hall, Jamaican-born British cultural theorist and academic (born Feb. 3, 1932, Kingston, Jamaica â died Feb. 10, 2014, London, England), was a pioneer in the field of cultural studies, an interdisciplinary approach to the role ofâŠ
Cuthbert Gordon Greenidge was born in Barbados and like many Caribbean families in the late 50âs and 60âs migrated to the UK to seek a better life. Educated at Speightstown Boys School and Black Bess Boys School in Barbados, he continued hisâŠ
Cuthbert Gordon Greenidge was born in Barbados and like many Caribbean families in the late 50âs and 60âs migrated to the UK to seek a better life. Educated at Speightstown Boys School and Black Bess Boys School in Barbados, he continued hisâŠ
Angie Greaves, âDaytimeâ and âSoul Townâ presenter on Magic Radio, has one of the most soulful and distinctive female voices in UK radio today. Born in London and enjoying being âfabulous in her 50âsâ, Angie grew up within a traditionalâŠ
Natasha is an award-winning writer and actor born in London, of Jamaican descent. Her debut play, Nine Night, enjoyed a stunning sold-out run at the National in April 2018 before transferring to Trafalgar Studios making her the first black BritishâŠ
Paul Dash is a Barbados-born artist, educator and writer. Born in Fairfield Cross Road, St Michael in 1946, he migrated to Oxford England in 1957. He pursued studies in art and education culminating with a PhD for Goldsmiths University where heâŠ
Paul Dash is a Barbados-born artist, educator and writer. Born in Fairfield Cross Road, St Michael in 1946, he migrated to Oxford England in 1957. He pursued studies in art and education culminating with a PhD for Goldsmiths University where heâŠ
Anyone who felt that the British Parliament was the preserve of those who wield political power, now stands corrected. For one night only the control of the UK Parliament was handed over to Barbadian-British DJ Carl Cox to lead members in aâŠ
Edric Connor is primarily remembered by filmgoers as an actor for his work on screen during the last 15 years of his life, but the Trinidad-born singer also played a pivotal role in the introduction of what is now called world music to England duringâŠ
Edric Connor is primarily remembered by filmgoers as an actor for his work on screen during the last 15 years of his life, but the Trinidad-born singer also played a pivotal role in the introduction of what is now called world music to England duringâŠ
Linford Christie was the greatest sprinter Britain produced, an athlete who emerged onto the scene at a late stage in life for an athlete and carved out an unique niche.
Jamaican born Christie was the middle child of seven. He came to Britain whenâŠ
Linford Christie was the greatest sprinter Britain produced, an athlete who emerged onto the scene at a late stage in life for an athlete and carved out an unique niche.
Jamaican born Christie was the middle child of seven. He came to Britain whenâŠ
Barbados-born Roland Butcher secured his place in history when he became the first black player to represent England, making his Test debut at Bridgetown in 1980-81 (the headline in the local paper was "Our boy, their bat"). A batsman capable ofâŠ
Barbados-born Roland Butcher secured his place in history when he became the first black player to represent England, making his Test debut at Bridgetown in 1980-81 (the headline in the local paper was "Our boy, their bat"). A batsman capable ofâŠ
Pop singer/songwriter and front man for Hot Chocolate, Errol Brown was born in Jamaica and moved to Britain when he was 12. His musical career started in 1969, when he and some friends sent a reggae version of Give Peace A Chance to John Lennon.âŠ
Pop singer/songwriter and front man for Hot Chocolate, Errol Brown was born in Jamaica and moved to Britain when he was 12. His musical career started in 1969, when he and some friends sent a reggae version of Give Peace A Chance to John Lennon.âŠ
Dr Jeffrey Brathwaite was born in Congo Road, St Philip, Barbados. He was a student at Princess Margaret High School until the age of 16. He came to the UK in the late 1960s and after a short stint in the Army, worked as a psychiatric nurse for fourâŠ
Dr Jeffrey Brathwaite was born in Congo Road, St Philip, Barbados. He was a student at Princess Margaret High School until the age of 16. He came to the UK in the late 1960s and after a short stint in the Army, worked as a psychiatric nurse for fourâŠ
James is an internationally recognised business leader with operational experience in the media and environmental industries, public office, alongside expertise in SME business start-ups and management.
In 1996, he was Britainâs first Black CEO of aâŠ
E.R. Braithwaite, (Eustace Edward Ricardo Braithwaite), Guyanese author and diplomat (born June 27, 1912, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana) â died December 12, 2016, Rockville, Md.), was the author of the best-selling memoir To Sir, with LoveâŠ
E.R. Braithwaite, (Eustace Edward Ricardo Braithwaite), Guyanese author and diplomat (born June 27, 1912, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana) â died December 12, 2016, Rockville, Md.), was the author of the best-selling memoir To Sir, with LoveâŠ
Born in Barbados but raised in Reading, Karen has been in media for 22 years and is currently Chairperson of MediaCom, the largest media agency in the UK with billings over ÂŁl billion. Prior to this Karen was CEO for 5 years.
Karen has beenâŠ
Born in Barbados but raised in Reading, Karen has been in media for 22 years and is currently Chairperson of MediaCom, the largest media agency in the UK with billings over ÂŁl billion. Prior to this Karen was CEO for 5 years.
Karen has beenâŠ
Sterling Betancourt was born 1 March 1930 in Laventille, Trinidad.
In his early years, he was a member of one of the local Laventille Tamboo Bamboo bands until he became a tenor pan player in Tripoli steel band. He later progressed to become a bandâŠ
Sterling Betancourt was born 1 March 1930 in Laventille, Trinidad.
In his early years, he was a member of one of the local Laventille Tamboo Bamboo bands until he became a tenor pan player in Tripoli steel band. He later progressed to become a bandâŠ
Winston Best, the eldest child of Lillian and Luther Best from Sugar Hill St Joseph, was born on 15 Aug 1930. He came to England in 1961 and after working for British Rail, went to teacher training college at the Sydney Webb College of HigherâŠ
Winston Best, the eldest child of Lillian and Luther Best from Sugar Hill St Joseph, was born on 15 Aug 1930. He came to England in 1961 and after working for British Rail, went to teacher training college at the Sydney Webb College of HigherâŠ
Winston Best, the eldest child of Lillian and Luther Best from Sugar Hill St Joseph, was born on 15 Aug 1930. He came to England in 1961 and after working for British Rail, went to teacher training college at the Sydney Webb College of HigherâŠ
Floella is best known to a generation as the presenter of the BBC's pre-school children's programme Play School, alongside mute co-stars Humpty, Jemima, and Little Ted but now she runs her own production company, and is also chairman of the film andâŠ
Floella is best known to a generation as the presenter of the BBC's pre-school children's programme Play School, alongside mute co-stars Humpty, Jemima, and Little Ted but now she runs her own production company, and is also chairman of the film andâŠ
The most familiar of the handful of black actors able to sustain a career in British television from the 1960s to the 1990s, Norman Beaton became particularly associated with spirited patriarch roles, most famously as the eponymous barberâŠ
The most familiar of the handful of black actors able to sustain a career in British television from the 1960s to the 1990s, Norman Beaton became particularly associated with spirited patriarch roles, most famously as the eponymous barberâŠ
Cecil Archibald Baugh, Jamaican potter (born Nov. 22, 1908, Bangor Ridge, Jam.âdied June 28, 2005, Kingston, Jam.), was one of the most influential Caribbean potters of the 20th century and was renowned for works that showcased his artistry andâŠ
Cecil Archibald Baugh, Jamaican potter (born Nov. 22, 1908, Bangor Ridge, Jam.âdied June 28, 2005, Kingston, Jam.), was one of the most influential Caribbean potters of the 20th century and was renowned for works that showcased his artistry andâŠ
Dame Jocelyn Anita Barrow DBE (15 April 1929) was born in Trinidad, where she was active in the People's National Movement, and came to England as a postgraduate in 1959.
The Director for UK Development at Focus Consultancy Ltd. Dame Jocelyn was aâŠ
Dame Jocelyn Anita Barrow DBE (15 April 1929) was born in Trinidad, where she was active in the People's National Movement, and came to England as a postgraduate in 1959.
The Director for UK Development at Focus Consultancy Ltd. Dame Jocelyn was aâŠ
John Charles Bryan Barnes MBE (born 7 November 1963) is an English former professional footballer and manager, who currently works as a commentator and pundit for ESPN and SuperSport. A fast, skillful left winger, Barnes had successful periods atâŠ
John Charles Bryan Barnes MBE (born 7 November 1963) is an English former professional footballer and manager, who currently works as a commentator and pundit for ESPN and SuperSport. A fast, skillful left winger, Barnes had successful periods atâŠ
Pioneer of British rock during the 70s; singer/songwriter, Joan Armatrading is credited with being the first black female singer/songwriter to gain prominence on the British music scene. She offered a unique take on folk and reggae that was highlyâŠ
Pioneer of British rock during the 70s; singer/songwriter, Joan Armatrading is credited with being the first black female singer/songwriter to gain prominence on the British music scene. She offered a unique take on folk and reggae that was highlyâŠ
Baroness Valerie Amos was the first black woman cabinet minister and joint first black woman peer and recently appointed Leader of the House of Lords, the third woman in history to lead the upper house of Parliament. Baroness Amos is one of threeâŠ
Baroness Valerie Amos was the first black woman cabinet minister and joint first black woman peer and recently appointed Leader of the House of Lords, the third woman in history to lead the upper house of Parliament. Baroness Amos is one of threeâŠ
Representing the London constituency of Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Diane Abbott was Britain's first Black woman MP.
Born on September 27th, 1953, in London of Jamaican parents, Abbott was educated at Harrow County Girls' Grammar School andâŠ
The uniform belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Thomas William Deeves MC, who served in the 16th (Public School) Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment. Deeves received the Military Cross with bar (basically: two military crosses!) for his gallantry on twoâŠ
The uniform belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Thomas William Deeves MC, who served in the 16th (Public School) Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment. Deeves received the Military Cross with bar (basically: two military crosses!) for his gallantry on twoâŠ
Billie (Wilfred) Nevill was educated at Dover College. He left university on 5th August 1914 and applied for a commission as soon as Lord Kitchener asked for volunteers to fight in the Great War.
In May 1916, Captain Nevill went home to England onâŠ
The uniform belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Thomas William Deeves MC, who served in the 16th (Public School) Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment. Deeves received the Military Cross with bar (basically: two military crosses!) for his gallantry on twoâŠ
Our collections and displays tell stories of the Princess of Walesâs Royal Regiment and Queenâs Regiment from their beginnings right up to today. Find us in The Keep Yard of Dover Castle.
The uniform belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Thomas William Deeves MC, who served in the 16th (Public School) Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment. Deeves received the Military Cross with bar (basically: two military crosses!) for his gallantry on twoâŠ
The letter from the Front is dated 10th August 1917, and was sent to his brother Edward Tull-Warnock. The Mark note and the Ammunition box top were included in the letter, and were picked up during Walter's foray into No-Man's-Land, as described inâŠ
Billie (Wilfred) Nevill was educated at Dover College. He left university on 5th August 1914 and applied for a commission as soon as Lord Kitchener asked for volunteers to fight in the Great War.
In May 1916, Captain Nevill went home to England onâŠ
The uniform belonged to 2nd Lieutenant Thomas William Deeves MC, who served in the 16th (Public School) Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment. Deeves received the Military Cross with bar (basically: two military crosses!) for his gallantry on twoâŠ
Walter Tull won the Charity Winner's Medal early (September 1909) in his first season with Tottenham Hotspur. He signed for Spurs on 20th July, and then seemed to have played preseason cricket for the team. His signing on fee was ÂŁ10, and he was thenâŠ
Billie (Wilfred) Nevill was educated at Dover College. He left university on 5th August 1914 and applied for a commission as soon as Lord Kitchener asked for volunteers to fight in the Great War.
In May 1916, Captain Nevill went home to England onâŠ
A brown suitcase used for travel by a Barbadian. On one side of the item is a sticker with the acronym B.O.A.C, which stands for British Overseas Airways Corporation. This was the British state-owned airline created in 1939 by the merger of ImperialâŠ
The Barbados bullfinch is a small bird, 14â15 cm (5.5â6 in). The upperparts are a dark olive-grey, the wings are mostly brown, underparts are greyish, while the under tail-coverts are tawny. The species is not sexually dimorphic, with females andâŠ
The main Police Force of Barbados was established in 1835. The Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF), as established under the Police Act, of 1961, and the Constitution of Barbados is a part of the government responsible for local law enforcement. TheâŠ
The Barbados Militia was raised in 1640 âfor the defence and protection of Barbados.â and is probably one of the oldest in the British commonwealth, serving until British troops arrived in 1780. The main objective of the militias formation (as wellâŠ
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the peregrine,[2] and historically as the duck hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey (raptor) in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barredâŠ
The pennywhistle or tin whistle is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. The modern pennywhistle originates in the British Isles, particularly England and Ireland. It is used in all manner of musical genre from Celtic to Jazz music. TheâŠ
The Cassava grater was part of the preparation process for Cassava by Amerindian communities. Jerome Handler, in his article âAspects of Amerindian Ethnography in 17th Century Barbadosâ stated that: â in processing the cassava, traditional AmerindianâŠ
Scrapers made from a variety of materials were popular tools for Amerindian communities. Scrapers are typically formed by chipping the end of a flake of stone in order to create one sharp side and to keep the rest of the sides dull to facilitateâŠ
This small figurine is a TaĂno Zemi. A Pre-Columbian artefact from the TaĂno people who inhabited the Caribbean centuries before the arrival of the Europeans around 1492. They were wiped out by European colonialism. This figurine was an importantâŠ
The iron ball was part of punishment for enslaved people in Barbados. The ball would be fastened to a short chain that was shackled to an enslaved personâs legs. The enslaved person would have to continue labour whilst shackled to the ball, whichâŠ
The tailor's goose iron was a long and thin iron, compared to its household counterpart, with handles that resemble that of a goose's neck. It was traditionally used by tailors for smoothing fabric and pressing seams. There were usually multipleâŠ
White kaolin clay ball tobacco pipe, partial bowl and heel/spur. Decorated with star shapes in relief on both sides, with a vertical feather/leaf pattern down the length of the bowl on two sides. The artifact was found in church village; it isâŠ
A lamp used in the rooms of the first students (it belonged to an alumna who matriculated in 1949, the second year of the university). Part of the collection of the University of the West Indies Museum. The University of the West Indies Museum,âŠ
The monkey jar is a pottery jug used for holding drinking water and keeping it cool. This is because clay is a poor conductor of heat and since the jar is unglazed, water is able to evaporate from its surface to cool the jar. It is known for keepingâŠ
The Dan live mostly in the western part of the CĂŽte dâIvoire and into Liberia. All Dan masks are sacred; they do not represent spirits of the wilderness, they are these spirits. Dan masks are characterized by a concave face, a protruding mouth,âŠ
It was common for men to do weaving in West African countries. By means of heddle pulleys the weavers separate the warp threads into âfansâ by means of foot pedals. Then the weft threads are âshot throughâ these âfansâ. Thus, fabric is created. TheseâŠ
Bull's horn, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff BayâŠ
This anthropomorphic figurine possibly depicts a carving of a bound âprisonerâ. The artifact is made of conch shell and was discovered at Fresh Water Bay in St. Michael on the islandâs West Coast.
Humpback Whale vertebral plate. The shore whaling in Barbados started in 1867, primarily hunting humpback whales, which were known to frequent Barbadosâ waters in the early part of each year as they migrate from the colder Northern waters of theâŠ
Gran recipiente de cerĂĄmica pintada para perro. El perro es gordo, lo que indica que los perros fueron comidos.
Large painted dog ceramic vessel. The dog is fat indicating dogs were eaten.
Anthropomorphic statue, part of the collection of the Moruga Museum. The Moruga Museum was established in November 2013 by founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Society, Eric Lewis. Based in the rural, seaside community of Gran Chemin in south Trinidad,âŠ
This is a typical school bell, and is in the collection of the Barbados Museum & Historical Society as one of the visual indicators of the history of education on the island.
The foundations of education in Barbados were laid by the philanthropicâŠ
Karl Broodhagen (1909-2002)
Margaretâs Head
Terracotta bust
Karl Broodhagen (1909â2002) was a Guyanese-Barbadian artist, working mostly in sculpture and paint. Originally arriving to the island to become a tailorâs apprentice, he wasâŠ
A Dentist tool from the 1800s, used to extract teeth. The claw would be fixed between the tooth and gum, and ideally then it would take one turn to remove the tooth.
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Communication sped up throughout the twentieth century, but news wasnât that new by the time it got to Shetland by sea. The wireless meant islanders were up-to-the minute by the 1930s. Radios ran on batteries that were periodically re-charged. MostâŠ
Jaundice is a symptom, rather than a disease. Shetlanders used folk-remedies to try to cure the condition. One way was to drink water from a stream where three landlordsâ estates met. The water was scooped with the big bowl, called a kapp, and theâŠ
When off on a boat trip, people used this kind of box, known in Shetland as a bĂžst, to carry food or fishing flies. These boxes were made around Hordaland province, and imported in the 18th century as part of the islandsâ trading links with coastalâŠ
Corncrake birds lived in Shetland for thousands of years, nesting in cornfields. However, they have nearly disappered from the islands for over thirty years. People had come to use imported food and animal fodder, so farmers stopped growing oats andâŠ
Around 1900 hundreds of Shetlanders left their native home. It was a time of hardship but also opportunity. People settled elsewhere in Britain, or further afield in the world. This doll belonged to a girl in a seaport where islanders settled asâŠ
Traditional fishing gear had two main parts â a baited hook to catch the fish, and a weight to sink the line into the sea. This is a specialised sinker that people used where there was a very strong tide, where big fish could be caught. The pointedâŠ
A hand plane used for shaping wood by hand. To reduce thickness and smooth the surface of the wood. Used by pushing the plane away from the user with both hands. Hand planes have been used since the Romans and continued through Medieval Europe andâŠ
Argamassa quase completa encontrada na vila romana da Quinta de S. JoĂŁo / Quinta da Laranjeira (Arrentela, Seixal), utilizada na preparação de alimentos, especificamente para moagem. A parte restante possui mais da metade da borda, sobre elaâŠ
Botella escultĂłrica con representaciĂłn zoomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente adelgazado, gollete de paredes verticales rectas, 02 agarraderas semicirculares con una perforaciĂłn central, cuerpo escultĂłrico, y base convexa. La superficie externa ha sidoâŠ
La mitad superior del cuerpo tiene una representaciĂłn escultĂłrica de un personaje zoomorfo (probablemente un perro). En la cara anterior del cuerpo del cĂĄntaro presenta la cabeza escultĂłrica de forma ovalada con los ojos circulares moldeados eâŠ
Cåntaro escultórico miniatura con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente engrosado, cuello de paredes divergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida.
A miniature clay sculpture pot orâŠ
Se trata de un molusco que en su cara anterior presenta franjas semicirculares sobre su superficie, en la cara posterior tiene una forma cĂłnica con una concavidad en uno de sus extremos cubierta por su propia estructura. Este molusco es un StrombusâŠ
Botella escultĂłrica con representaciĂłn antropomorfa. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo escultĂłrico, y base plana. Tiene evidencias de una asa cintada, ubicada en la cara posterior, que une el extremo inferiorâŠ
Vasija labio recto y gollete ligeramente evertido, en la cara posterior se puede observar a un personaje femenino que observa hacia unos de sus lados sujetando un instrumento de percusiĂłn entre sus manos y sus rodillas, los pies estĂĄn juntos, en laâŠ
Tradional Shetland farmsteads had outbuildings connected to the house, so people could go through to the byre to tend to the cattle, even in the strongest winter gale. For centuries light came from fish-oil lamps. Once imported glass became commonâŠ
Whales are common in the North Atlantic, and since ancient times people have used their meat and oil. In regions with no trees, bones were fashioned into household items that would usully be made from timber; this handled cup is made from a backbone.âŠ
Botella escultĂłrica representando un camarĂłn; es una vasija pulida, la pasta es de color naranja.
A clay sculpture in the form of a bottle representing a Caridean shrimp, it is a polished vessel, the paste of the surface is of orange colour.
Botella escultĂłrica representando la cabeza de una llama; tiene gollete cĂłnico, asa cintada que une el gollete y el cuerpo, presenta soporte pedestal troncocĂłnico, se aprecia bruñido como tratamiento de la superficie externa, la pasta es de colorâŠ
Ceramic container of cylindrical form manufactured by Wheel used to drink the hens.
Recipiente cerĂĄmico de forma cilĂndrica fabricado por Wheel para beber las gallinas.
Par de formas inglesas del nĂșmero 34, con suelo de hierro. El tercio superior de la forma se corta para facilitar su extracciĂłn una vez que se termina el zapato. La forma se emplea como una superficie de trabajo para la preparaciĂłn de zapatos, asĂâŠ
Barril en proceso de fabricaciĂłn formado por 12 tiras de madera unidas por tres anillos de hierro.
Barrel in process of manufacture formed by 12 strips of wood joined by three rings of iron
Artefacto de madera policromada, en color blanco y con motivo de la rosa de los Alpes. Per-teneciĂł a una misiĂłn Capuchina en el sur de Chile.
Polychrome wooden artifact, in white and with the motif of the rose of the Alps. It belonged to aâŠ
Ornamento parte del vestuario, zapatos de taco talla 76, confeccionados con raso blanco. Presenta inscripciones "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Ornament part of the wardrobe, heels size 76, made of white satin. It has inscriptions "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Conjunto de juguetes, confeccionados en metal con asas de bronce. Representan una cocina a leña con y implementos. Son 5 objetos que se describen a continuación:
Olla de metal con asas de bronce, con tapa. Alto: 5,9 cms, diĂĄmetro 7 cms.
Olla deâŠ
Cuerno Kull-kull. Objeto de tradiciĂłn mapuche. Artefacto aerĂłfono confeccionado de una asta de res. De uso ceremonial en Nguillatunes y Machitunes. Tiene una escotadura en la punta, formando una boquilla.
Kull-kull horn. Mapuche tradition object.âŠ
Jarro de cerĂĄmica de base plana, con una franja en sobrerelieve a la altura del cuello, donde se le han incrustado 7 fragmentos de loza blanca refinada decorada con motivo âBlue Willowâ. Presenta asa en arco de correa. Recuperada en Cocule, comuna deâŠ
Barbados has long been an important stop over site for migrating birds on their southbound migration to South America where they pass the non-breeding (southern summer) season. Ospreys are migratory birds that eat fish. The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)âŠ
Plancha con la inscripción S4 (indica tamaño y modelo), palabra ininteligible y la palabra BARATO.
Iron with inscription S4 (indicates size and model), unintelligable word, and the word CHEAP.
Cuchillo utilizado en personas sacrificadas encontradas en entierros en pirĂĄmides de TĂșcume.
Knife used on sacrificed people found in burial in TĂșcume pyramids.
Figura antropomĂłrfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirĂĄmides de TĂșcume.
Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in TĂșcume pyramids.
It was common for men to do weaving in West African countries. By means of heddle pulleys the weavers separate the warp threads into âfansâ by means of foot pedals. Then the weft threads are âshot throughâ these âfansâ. Thus, fabric is created. TheseâŠ
Ferramenta usada por carpinteiros navais para puxar o cinzel de calafetagem durante a operação de calafetagem, que enche e calafeta as articulaçÔes ou bloqueia rachaduras em vasos de madeira. A calafetagem permite que barcos e embarcaçÔes de madeiraâŠ
Las bolas de piedra parecen detener el tiempo para que veamos la habilidad, ingenio y sabidurĂa de nuestros ancestros, quienes dominaron este territorio en los tiempos precolombinos. Principalmente por su cantidad, significado y casi perfecciĂłn lasâŠ
Artefacto empleado como recipiente de almacenamiento, confeccionado con una ubre de vaca, vacĂa y seca. Le falta una de las tetillas, y en la parte superior hay indicios de una posible amarra que en algĂșn momento se usĂł para cerrar elâŠ
Objeto de piedra trabajado conocido como âcaleroâ, con forma ovoide, Tiene una representaciĂłn zoomorfa en relieve.
Object of sculpted stone known as âcaleroâ which has an ovoid form (i.e. egg form). It has a zoomorphic representation.
Botella escultĂłrica con representaciĂłn zoomorfa. Presenta gollete de paredes ligeramente divergentes rectas, asa estribo posterior, cuerpo escultĂłrico, base pedestal y fondo plano. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida. Representa a un mamĂferoâŠ
El señuelo del pato de madera solĂa practicar tiro. Marcas de bala en la madera.
Wooden duck decoy used to practice shooting. Bullet marks on the wood.
Instrumento musical de viento, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 1 canal circular interno que se hace mĂĄs fino en la parte inferior y dos asas de forma circular perforadas en el centro. Similar al silbato, posee una sola nota. PresentaâŠ
Artefacto de metal con caracterĂsticas antropomorfas, hecha en bronce. De la cabeza sobresale un semicĂrculo con una perforaciĂłn. La figura se trabajĂł en volumen sĂłlo por el anverso, el reverso permanece totalmente plano. Presenta un cinturĂłn hechoâŠ
Pipa ceremonial de forma antropomorfa, elaborada de piedra talco. Encontrada en el sector norte del fortĂn Curiruka.
Anthropomorphic ceremonial pipe, made of talc stone. Found in the northern sector of the Curiruka fort.
Molde de madera para hacer queso. El molde en forma de cazuela tiene una protuberancia en el centro que le da la forma caracterĂstica al queso. En la parte inferior tiene cuatro agujeros para que drene el suero.
Mould of wood for making cheese.âŠ
La måscara representa la lucha en el momento de la conquista española. Se usa para la Danza de los Diablitos.
The mask represents the struggle at the time of the Spanish conquest. It is worn for the Dance of the Little Devils.
CĂĄntaro escultĂłrico. Su cuello es evertido con decoraciĂłn de lĂneas y bandas pintadas de color blanco. El cuerpo es globular con representaciones de 4 rostros humanos que presentan colmillos, cada rostro estĂĄ en un lado y tiene lĂneas finas de colorâŠ
Figura antropomĂłrfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirĂĄmides de TĂșcume.
Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in TĂșcume pyramids.
Est pieza utilizada para el juego del tradicional juego de los Diablitos. Su uso es para comunicar or reunir los Diablitos.
This piece is used for the traditional game of Little devils: Its usage is to communicate with or to gather Little devilsâŠ
Artefacto aerĂłfono similar a la flauta, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 2 canales. Recopilado en Valdivia en Quinta Kramer el 21 de marzo de 1991 y re-armada en abril de 1991.
Flute-like aerophone artifact made of talc stoneâŠ
Sirve para sentar a los niños para que las ĂĄgĂŒelas se sienten a tejer.
Serves as a place where children can sit; as a place where grandmothers can sit down for knitting.
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and driedâŠ
Metal flat iron, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the BuffâŠ
The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff Bay River, where they remain today. The leader of the Charles Town MaroonsâŠ
Metal military helmet, part of the collection of the University of the West Indies Museum. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the UniversityâŠ
The tale is told that Taylor Hall was first occupied by 101 students, including 8 freshmen who moved from the old building of Gibraltar Hall on Gibraltar Camp Road to Blocks A and B, formally called Hall 111. These two blocks, the only two on TaylorâŠ
An early university seal stamp. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the University of the West Indies, and its relationship to the West IndiesâŠ
Dr Owen Minott was one of the pioneering 33 medical students of the UCWI in 1948 and subsequently a noted amateur photographer. He was one of the early (perhaps the earliest) chroniclers of the UCWI, producing hundreds of 2.25â black and whiteâŠ
University of London medical medal won by UCWI graduate Owen Barrow in 1964. Owen Barrow was a consultant physician who graduated from the UCWI in 1964 â one of the last couple of batches of UCWI/UWI medical students to earn a University of LondonâŠ
Jamaica's Heroes Wedgwood mug, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaicaâs material culture and aims to stimulate seriousâŠ
Female bust, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaicaâs material culture and aims to stimulate serious research andâŠ
Calabash purse, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaicaâs material culture and aims to stimulate serious research andâŠ
Comb case, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaicaâs material culture and aims to stimulate serious research andâŠ
Decorative pipe, part of the collection of the Moruga Museum. The Moruga Museum was established in November 2013 by founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Society, Eric Lewis. Based in the rural, seaside community of Gran Chemin in south Trinidad, theâŠ
Bust from Trinidad, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee ofâŠ
Sea turtle, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Wood figurine, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Drum, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen VictoriaâŠ
Mortar, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Oil stone, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Mounted human cranium, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the JubileeâŠ
Small bowl, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Decorative Temple elephant, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of theâŠ
Human femur, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of QueenâŠ
Karl Broodhagen (1909-2002)
Terracotta bust
Karl Broodhagen (1909â2002) was a Guyanese-Barbadian artist, working mostly in sculpture and paint. Originally arriving to the island to become a tailorâs apprentice, he was awarded aâŠ
The Giant Land Snail, Megalobulimus oblongus. A species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Strophocheilidae. Native to a large part of the neotropical world including Argentina, Brazil, Columbia andâŠ
Shetlanders wore knitted hats when off fishing, and the the multicoloured patterns contrasted with the brown oilskins and boots they wore. Visitors to the islands two hundred years ago were much taken with these vivid caps, and bartered them from theâŠ
The Bell Pettigrew Museum is the University of St Andrews zoology museum. It is a rare survival of a Victorian teaching museum, and wonderfully atmospheric.
The displays, which include examples of several extinct species, are arranged to allow theâŠ
The Maroonâs Cultural Center, nestled in rural Charles Town along a lazy rolling white water river coming down from the Blue Mountains. The Maroonâs autonomy from the islandâs government dates back to centuries old treaties and remains to this day.âŠ
Used by Capt. Peter H. Delmare of the 3rd West India Regiment during an expedition between 1866-1867 in the British Honduras against indigenous Indian chiefs.
Used by Capt. Peter H. Delmare of the 3rd West India Regiment during an expedition between 1866-1867 in the British Honduras against indigenous Indian chiefs.
A brown suitcase used for travel by a Barbadian. On one side of the item is a sticker with the acronym B.O.A.C, which stands for British Overseas Airways Corporation. This was the British state-owned airline created in 1939 by the merger of ImperialâŠ
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
Introduction and clips from Windrush.
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
The Barbados bullfinch is a small bird, 14â15 cm (5.5â6 in). The upperparts are a dark olive-grey, the wings are mostly brown, underparts are greyish, while the under tail-coverts are tawny. The species is not sexually dimorphic, with females andâŠ
The main Police Force of Barbados was established in 1835. The Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF), as established under the Police Act, of 1961, and the Constitution of Barbados is a part of the government responsible for local law enforcement. TheâŠ
The Barbados Militia was raised in 1640 âfor the defence and protection of Barbados.â and is probably one of the oldest in the British commonwealth, serving until British troops arrived in 1780. The main objective of the militias formation (as wellâŠ
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the peregrine,[2] and historically as the duck hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey (raptor) in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barredâŠ
The Society for the Resettlement of Caribbean Nationals.
Migration story of the Larrier / Lashley family
From: Rev. Buddy A. Larrier
Thank you for allowing me to share part of my family migration story with you as part of the project. FurtherâŠ
The Society for the Resettlement of Caribbean Nationals.
Migration story of the Larrier / Lashley family
From: Rev. Buddy A. Larrier
Thank you for allowing me to share part of my family migration story with you as part of the project. FurtherâŠ
The Santa Rosa First Peoples Community is the only organized area of the Amerindian Survival in Trinidad and Tobago. The Community was formally recognized as representative of the Indigenous Amerindians of the twin-island state by the NationalâŠ
Just a quick intro as to why we migrated to Barbados due to post economic conditions in Guyana. again I was very young so I could only go off of what my mother told me as a child. All I know for sure is that she wouldn't have left Guyana unless itâŠ
Eric Lynch speaks about his family history with ties from the Caribbean to Liverpool in the Claude Graham series "Unshackled". Footage courtesy the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.