Artefacto de uso doméstico, conformado por 2 cuchillos paralelos de forma curva y con dos mangos de madera. Sirve para picar verduras.
Household appliance, consisting of 2 parallel curved knives with two wooden handles. It is used to chop…
Artefacto de uso doméstico, conformado por 2 cuchillos paralelos de forma curva y con dos mangos de madera. Sirve para picar verduras.
Household appliance, consisting of 2 parallel curved knives with two wooden handles. It is used to chop…
La máscara representa la lucha en el momento de la conquista española. Se usa para la Danza de los Diablitos.
The mask represents the struggle at the time of the Spanish conquest. It is worn for the Dance of the Little Devils.
La máscara representa la lucha en el momento de la conquista española. Se usa para la Danza de los Diablitos.
The mask represents the struggle at the time of the Spanish conquest. It is worn for the Dance of the Little Devils.
Las bolas de piedra parecen detener el tiempo para que veamos la habilidad, ingenio y sabiduría de nuestros ancestros, quienes dominaron este territorio en los tiempos precolombinos. Principalmente por su cantidad, significado y casi perfección las…
Las bolas de piedra parecen detener el tiempo para que veamos la habilidad, ingenio y sabiduría de nuestros ancestros, quienes dominaron este territorio en los tiempos precolombinos. Principalmente por su cantidad, significado y casi perfección las…
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
Introduction and clips from Windrush.
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
Barbados Community College
Michelle Hinkson-Cox
Co-ordinator for the Theatre Arts Programme at BCC
Brianna Gibbs
Danielle Sanson
Dylan Collymore
Malaika Croney
Melissa Hunte
Rayna Garnes
Romario Cottoy
The Barbados Militia was raised in 1640 “for the defence and protection of Barbados.” and is probably one of the oldest in the British commonwealth, serving until British troops arrived in 1780. The main objective of the militias formation (as well…
The Barbados Militia was raised in 1640 “for the defence and protection of Barbados.” and is probably one of the oldest in the British commonwealth, serving until British troops arrived in 1780. The main objective of the militias formation (as well…
Artefacto macizo de fierro con la cabeza deformada e incisiones en uno de sus costados, empleado para la partición de trozos de madera. Donado por Eriberto Pérez.
Solid iron artifact with a deformed head and incisions in one of its sides, used to…
Clavo macizo de hierro empleado para la fijación de los durmientes en la línea del ferrocarril. Donado por Eriberto Pérez.
Solid iron nail used to fix the sleepers on the railway line. Donated by Eriberto Pérez.
Artefacto macizo de fierro con la cabeza deformada e incisiones en uno de sus costados, empleado para la partición de trozos de madera. Donado por Eriberto Pérez.
Solid iron artifact with a deformed head and incisions in one of its sides, used to…
Clavo macizo de hierro empleado para la fijación de los durmientes en la línea del ferrocarril. Donado por Eriberto Pérez.
Solid iron nail used to fix the sleepers on the railway line. Donated by Eriberto Pérez.
White kaolin clay ball tobacco pipe, partial bowl and heel/spur. Decorated with star shapes in relief on both sides, with a vertical feather/leaf pattern down the length of the bowl on two sides. The artifact was found in church village; it is…
White kaolin clay ball tobacco pipe, partial bowl and heel/spur. Decorated with star shapes in relief on both sides, with a vertical feather/leaf pattern down the length of the bowl on two sides. The artifact was found in church village; it is…
Piel de ubre de vaca con forma de olla. Función de almacenamiento de alimentos (guardaba harina y todo tipo de semillas). Donado por José Manuel Lienlaf. Pot-shaped cow's udder skin. Food storage function (stored flour and all kinds of seeds).…
Piel de ubre de vaca con forma de olla. Función de almacenamiento de alimentos (guardaba harina y todo tipo de semillas). Donado por José Manuel Lienlaf.
Pot-shaped cow's udder skin. Food storage function (stored flour and all kinds of seeds).…
Artefacto de madera empleado como utensilio doméstico en la contención de líquidos, pre-senta asa sin orificio. Donado por Bladimir Zúñiga.
Wooden appliance used as a household utensil for liquid containment, it has a handle without a hole.…
Artefacto de madera empleado como utensilio doméstico en la contención de líquidos, pre-senta asa sin orificio. Donado por Bladimir Zúñiga.
Wooden appliance used as a household utensil for liquid containment, it has a handle without a hole.…
Cántaro de cerámico ceremonial, su forma es la representación del vientre de la madre y se crea a partir del nacimiento del bebe, se le da a la madre con semillas en su interior y de-pendiendo de la germinación es como vendrá él bebe (si la semilla…
Jarro asimétrico de forma anfibiomorfa. Presenta asa puente. Su color es rojo decorado con técnica negativa mediante ahumado de color negro. La pieza se encuentra restaurada.
Asymmetric jug with an amphibiomorphic shape. It has a bridge handle.…
Cántaro de cerámico ceremonial, su forma es la representación del vientre de la madre y se crea a partir del nacimiento del bebe, se le da a la madre con semillas en su interior y de-pendiendo de la germinación es como vendrá él bebe (si la semilla…
Jarro asimétrico de forma anfibiomorfa. Presenta asa puente. Su color es rojo decorado con técnica negativa mediante ahumado de color negro. La pieza se encuentra restaurada.
Asymmetric jug with an amphibiomorphic shape. It has a bridge handle.…
Cántaro escultórico. Su cuello es evertido con decoración de líneas y bandas pintadas de color blanco. El cuerpo es globular con representaciones de 4 rostros humanos que presentan colmillos, cada rostro está en un lado y tiene líneas finas de color…
Botella escultórica con representación zoomorfa. Presenta gollete de paredes ligeramente divergentes rectas, asa estribo posterior, cuerpo escultórico, base pedestal y fondo plano. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida. Representa a un mamífero…
Objeto de piedra trabajado conocido como “calero”, con forma ovoide, Tiene una representación zoomorfa en relieve.
Object of sculpted stone known as “calero” which has an ovoid form (i.e. egg form). It has a zoomorphic representation.
Botella escultórica representando la cabeza de una llama; tiene gollete cónico, asa cintada que une el gollete y el cuerpo, presenta soporte pedestal troncocónico, se aprecia bruñido como tratamiento de la superficie externa, la pasta es de color…
Botella escultórica representando un camarón; es una vasija pulida, la pasta es de color naranja. A clay sculpture in the form of a bottle representing a Caridean shrimp, it is a polished vessel, the paste of the surface is of orange colour.
Vasija labio recto y gollete ligeramente evertido, en la cara posterior se puede observar a un personaje femenino que observa hacia unos de sus lados sujetando un instrumento de percusión entre sus manos y sus rodillas, los pies están juntos, en la…
Botella Huaco Rey pintada de cara-gollete. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo esférico achatado horizontal, y base pedestal con el fondo ligeramente convexo. Tiene un asa cintada ubicada en la cara posterior,…
Botella Huaco Rey de cara-gollete. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo esférico achatado horizontal, base pedestal, y fondo convexo. Tiene un asa cintada ubicada en la cara posterior, que une la mitad del gollete…
Botella escultórica con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. Tiene evidencias de una asa cintada, ubicada en la cara posterior, que une el extremo inferior…
Se trata de un molusco que en su cara anterior presenta franjas semicirculares sobre su superficie, en la cara posterior tiene una forma cónica con una concavidad en uno de sus extremos cubierta por su propia estructura. Este molusco es un Strombus…
Cántaro escultórico miniatura con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente engrosado, cuello de paredes divergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida.
A miniature clay sculpture pot or…
La mitad superior del cuerpo tiene una representación escultórica de un personaje zoomorfo (probablemente un perro). En la cara anterior del cuerpo del cántaro presenta la cabeza escultórica de forma ovalada con los ojos circulares moldeados e…
Cántaro escultórico. Su cuello es evertido con decoración de líneas y bandas pintadas de color blanco. El cuerpo es globular con representaciones de 4 rostros humanos que presentan colmillos, cada rostro está en un lado y tiene líneas finas de color…
Botella escultórica con representación zoomorfa. Presenta gollete de paredes ligeramente divergentes rectas, asa estribo posterior, cuerpo escultórico, base pedestal y fondo plano. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida. Representa a un mamífero…
Objeto de piedra trabajado conocido como “calero”, con forma ovoide, Tiene una representación zoomorfa en relieve.
Object of sculpted stone known as “calero” which has an ovoid form (i.e. egg form). It has a zoomorphic representation.
Botella escultórica representando la cabeza de una llama; tiene gollete cónico, asa cintada que une el gollete y el cuerpo, presenta soporte pedestal troncocónico, se aprecia bruñido como tratamiento de la superficie externa, la pasta es de color…
Botella escultórica representando un camarón; es una vasija pulida, la pasta es de color naranja.
A clay sculpture in the form of a bottle representing a Caridean shrimp, it is a polished vessel, the paste of the surface is of orange colour.
Vasija labio recto y gollete ligeramente evertido, en la cara posterior se puede observar a un personaje femenino que observa hacia unos de sus lados sujetando un instrumento de percusión entre sus manos y sus rodillas, los pies están juntos, en la…
Botella Huaco Rey pintada de cara-gollete. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo esférico achatado horizontal, y base pedestal con el fondo ligeramente convexo. Tiene un asa cintada ubicada en la cara posterior,…
Botella Huaco Rey de cara-gollete. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo esférico achatado horizontal, base pedestal, y fondo convexo. Tiene un asa cintada ubicada en la cara posterior, que une la mitad del gollete…
Botella escultórica con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. Tiene evidencias de una asa cintada, ubicada en la cara posterior, que une el extremo inferior…
Se trata de un molusco que en su cara anterior presenta franjas semicirculares sobre su superficie, en la cara posterior tiene una forma cónica con una concavidad en uno de sus extremos cubierta por su propia estructura. Este molusco es un Strombus…
Cántaro escultórico miniatura con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente engrosado, cuello de paredes divergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. La superficie externa ha sido bruñida.
A miniature clay sculpture pot or…
La mitad superior del cuerpo tiene una representación escultórica de un personaje zoomorfo (probablemente un perro). En la cara anterior del cuerpo del cántaro presenta la cabeza escultórica de forma ovalada con los ojos circulares moldeados e…
Botella escultórica con representación zoomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente adelgazado, gollete de paredes verticales rectas, 02 agarraderas semicirculares con una perforación central, cuerpo escultórico, y base convexa. La superficie externa ha sido…
Este objeto es de instrumento musical el cual era usado en ceremonias indígenas y también para alegrar las fiestas.
This object is a musical instrument that is used in indigenous ceremonies and is also used to rejoice and entertain the crowds in…
Este objeto es de instrumento musical el cual era usado en ceremonias indígenas y también para alegrar las fiestas.
This object is a musical instrument that is used in indigenous ceremonies and is also used to rejoice and entertain the crowds in…
Conjunto de juguetes, confeccionados en metal con asas de bronce. Representan una cocina a leña con y implementos. Son 5 objetos que se describen a continuación:
Olla de metal con asas de bronce, con tapa. Alto: 5,9 cms, diámetro 7 cms.
Olla de…
Conjunto de juguetes, confeccionados en metal con asas de bronce. Representan una cocina a leña con y implementos. Son 5 objetos que se describen a continuación:
Olla de metal con asas de bronce, con tapa. Alto: 5,9 cms, diámetro 7 cms.
Olla de…
Artefacto de hierro esmaltado, empleado como tetera que es parte de un juego de té infantil (compuesto por tetera con tapa, azucarero con tapa, lechero, 4 tazas con sus platos y bandeja, total 14 piezas). Fueron propiedad de Emilia Balde Schilling,…
Ornamento parte del vestuario, zapatos de taco talla 76, confeccionados con raso blanco. Presenta inscripciones "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Ornament part of the wardrobe, heels size 76, made of white satin. It has inscriptions "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Artefacto de hierro esmaltado, empleado como tetera que es parte de un juego de té infantil (compuesto por tetera con tapa, azucarero con tapa, lechero, 4 tazas con sus platos y bandeja, total 14 piezas). Fueron propiedad de Emilia Balde Schilling,…
Ornamento parte del vestuario, zapatos de taco talla 76, confeccionados con raso blanco. Presenta inscripciones "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Ornament part of the wardrobe, heels size 76, made of white satin. It has inscriptions "34 cm, Tb, 48, L5."
Est pieza utilizada para el juego del tradicional juego de los Diablitos. Su uso es para comunicar or reunir los Diablitos. This piece is used for the traditional game of Little devils: Its usage is to communicate with or to gather Little devils…
Est pieza utilizada para el juego del tradicional juego de los Diablitos. Su uso es para comunicar or reunir los Diablitos.
This piece is used for the traditional game of Little devils: Its usage is to communicate with or to gather Little devils…
Ecomusee CreoleArt
This museum was begun in 1989 by Jocelyn Roumbo and made collaboratively to preserve and show the nature, history, culture & traditions of Guadeloupe. The visit is self-guided and begins with the Jardin…
Karl Broodhagen (1909-2002) Margaret’s Head 1955 Terracotta bust Karl Broodhagen (1909–2002) was a Guyanese-Barbadian artist, working mostly in sculpture and paint. Originally arriving to the island to become a tailor’s apprentice, he was awarded a…
Karl Broodhagen (1909-2002)
Terracotta bust
Karl Broodhagen (1909–2002) was a Guyanese-Barbadian artist, working mostly in sculpture and paint. Originally arriving to the island to become a tailor’s apprentice, he was awarded a…
Karl Broodhagen (1909-2002)
Margaret’s Head
Terracotta bust
Karl Broodhagen (1909–2002) was a Guyanese-Barbadian artist, working mostly in sculpture and paint. Originally arriving to the island to become a tailor’s apprentice, he was…
This small figurine is a Taíno Zemi. A Pre-Columbian artefact from the Taíno people who inhabited the Caribbean centuries before the arrival of the Europeans around 1492. They were wiped out by European colonialism. This figurine was an important…
The pennywhistle or tin whistle is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. The modern pennywhistle originates in the British Isles, particularly England and Ireland. It is used in all manner of musical genre from Celtic to Jazz music. The…
A brown suitcase used for travel by a Barbadian. On one side of the item is a sticker with the acronym B.O.A.C, which stands for British Overseas Airways Corporation. This was the British state-owned airline created in 1939 by the merger of Imperial…
This small figurine is a Taíno Zemi. A Pre-Columbian artefact from the Taíno people who inhabited the Caribbean centuries before the arrival of the Europeans around 1492. They were wiped out by European colonialism. This figurine was an important…
The pennywhistle or tin whistle is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. The modern pennywhistle originates in the British Isles, particularly England and Ireland. It is used in all manner of musical genre from Celtic to Jazz music. The…
A brown suitcase used for travel by a Barbadian. On one side of the item is a sticker with the acronym B.O.A.C, which stands for British Overseas Airways Corporation. This was the British state-owned airline created in 1939 by the merger of Imperial…
Para mantener el agua fresca. También sirve para dar a conocer nuestra leyenda y cultura tradicionales Brunkas como están representados en esta pieza. For maintaining/preserving cold water. In addition it serves to acquaint/inform about the legends…
Para mantener el agua fresca. También sirve para dar a conocer nuestra leyenda y cultura tradicionales Brunkas como están representados en esta pieza.
For maintaining/preserving cold water. In addition it serves to acquaint/inform about the…
Utencilio doméstico hecho con caña de quila, utilizado para armar/madejar lana (puede ser confeccionado con maderas variadas).
Household utensil made with quila cane, used to assemble / skein wool (can be made with various woods).
Utencilio doméstico hecho con caña de quila, utilizado para armar/madejar lana (puede ser confeccionado con maderas variadas).
Household utensil made with quila cane, used to assemble / skein wool (can be made with various woods).
Artefacto aerófono similar a la flauta, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 2 canales. Recopilado en Valdivia en Quinta Kramer el 21 de marzo de 1991 y re-armada en abril de 1991.
Flute-like aerophone artifact made of talc stone…
Artefacto de metal con características antropomorfas, hecha en bronce. De la cabeza sobresale un semicírculo con una perforación. La figura se trabajó en volumen sólo por el anverso, el reverso permanece totalmente plano. Presenta un cinturón hecho…
Instrumento musical de viento, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 1 canal circular interno que se hace más fino en la parte inferior y dos asas de forma circular perforadas en el centro. Similar al silbato, posee una sola nota. Presenta…
Artefacto empleado como recipiente de almacenamiento, confeccionado con una ubre de vaca, vacía y seca. Le falta una de las tetillas, y en la parte superior hay indicios de una posible amarra que en algún momento se usó para cerrar el…
Artefacto de uso doméstico, usado como recipiente de base plana, cuerpo cónico y un asa lateral de forma romboidal. De color café oscuro.
*Llicampi: Tazas pequeñas sin asa usados en Lanalhue localidad del sur de Chile dentro del área de la cultura…
Jarro de cerámica de base plana, con una franja en sobrerelieve a la altura del cuello, donde se le han incrustado 7 fragmentos de loza blanca refinada decorada con motivo “Blue Willow”. Presenta asa en arco de correa. Recuperada en Cocule, comuna de…
Cuerno Kull-kull. Objeto de tradición mapuche. Artefacto aerófono confeccionado de una asta de res. De uso ceremonial en Nguillatunes y Machitunes. Tiene una escotadura en la punta, formando una boquilla.
Kull-kull horn. Mapuche tradition object.…
Artefacto aerófono similar a la flauta, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 2 canales. Recopilado en Valdivia en Quinta Kramer el 21 de marzo de 1991 y re-armada en abril de 1991.
Flute-like aerophone artifact made of talc stone…
Artefacto de metal con características antropomorfas, hecha en bronce. De la cabeza sobresale un semicírculo con una perforación. La figura se trabajó en volumen sólo por el anverso, el reverso permanece totalmente plano. Presenta un cinturón hecho…
Instrumento musical de viento, confeccionado de piedra talco (esteatita) con 1 canal circular interno que se hace más fino en la parte inferior y dos asas de forma circular perforadas en el centro. Similar al silbato, posee una sola nota. Presenta…
Artefacto empleado como recipiente de almacenamiento, confeccionado con una ubre de vaca, vacía y seca. Le falta una de las tetillas, y en la parte superior hay indicios de una posible amarra que en algún momento se usó para cerrar el…
Artefacto de uso doméstico, usado como recipiente de base plana, cuerpo cónico y un asa lateral de forma romboidal. De color café oscuro.
*Llicampi: Tazas pequeñas sin asa usados en Lanalhue localidad del sur de Chile dentro del área de la cultura…
Jarro de cerámica de base plana, con una franja en sobrerelieve a la altura del cuello, donde se le han incrustado 7 fragmentos de loza blanca refinada decorada con motivo “Blue Willow”. Presenta asa en arco de correa. Recuperada en Cocule, comuna de…
Cuerno Kull-kull. Objeto de tradición mapuche. Artefacto aerófono confeccionado de una asta de res. De uso ceremonial en Nguillatunes y Machitunes. Tiene una escotadura en la punta, formando una boquilla.
Kull-kull horn. Mapuche tradition object.…
Objeto esférico con una perforación diametral que sirve de plomada para el huso o fuso para hilar. Donado por Claudio Paillalef.
Spherical object with a diametrical perforation that serves as a plumb line for the spindle or spindle for spinning.…
Pipa ceremonial de forma antropomorfa, elaborada de piedra talco. Encontrada en el sector norte del fortín Curiruka.
Anthropomorphic ceremonial pipe, made of talc stone. Found in the northern sector of the Curiruka fort.
Mortero de piedra de uso doméstico, con orificio contenedor usado para la molienda de semillas y granos. Donado por Luis Silva. Stone mortar for domestic use, with container hole used for grinding seeds and grains. Donated by Luis Silva.
Artefacto cerámico de diseño rojo sobre blanco, de cuello largo evertido y dos pequeñas asas en la parte superior del cuerpo. De uso doméstico. Fue donado en el tiempo en que se hizo la haciendo la carretera. Ceramic artifact of red on white design,…
Objeto esférico con una perforación diametral que sirve de plomada para el huso o fuso para hilar. Donado por Claudio Paillalef.
Spherical object with a diametrical perforation that serves as a plumb line for the spindle or spindle for spinning.…
Pipa ceremonial de forma antropomorfa, elaborada de piedra talco. Encontrada en el sector norte del fortín Curiruka.
Anthropomorphic ceremonial pipe, made of talc stone. Found in the northern sector of the Curiruka fort.
Mortero de piedra de uso doméstico, con orificio contenedor usado para la molienda de semillas y granos. Donado por Luis Silva.
Stone mortar for domestic use, with container hole used for grinding seeds and grains. Donated by Luis Silva.
Artefacto cerámico de diseño rojo sobre blanco, de cuello largo evertido y dos pequeñas asas en la parte superior del cuerpo. De uso doméstico. Fue donado en el tiempo en que se hizo la haciendo la carretera.
Ceramic artifact of red on white…
Figura zoomorfa tripada, representa el poder y la fuerza. Réplica del jaguar precolombino. A zoomorphic tripod figure that represents power and strength. Pre-Colombian jaguar replica.
Figura zoomorfa tripada, representa el poder y la fuerza. Réplica del jaguar precolombino.
A zoomorphic tripod figure that represents power and strength. Pre-Colombian jaguar replica.
Artefacto de madera policromada, en color blanco y con motivo de la rosa de los Alpes. Per-teneció a una misión Capuchina en el sur de Chile.
Polychrome wooden artifact, in white and with the motif of the rose of the Alps. It belonged to a…
Artefacto de madera policromada, en color blanco y con motivo de la rosa de los Alpes. Per-teneció a una misión Capuchina en el sur de Chile.
Polychrome wooden artifact, in white and with the motif of the rose of the Alps. It belonged to a…
Réplica de un utencilio de madera, alargado y con cabeza triangular, para las faenas agrico-las, por medio del arrastre por tracción animal para la formación de zanjas para el cultivo. Replica of an elongated wooden utensil with a triangular head,…
Réplica de un utencilio de madera, alargado y con cabeza triangular, para las faenas agrico-las, por medio del arrastre por tracción animal para la formación de zanjas para el cultivo.
Replica of an elongated wooden utensil with a triangular…
Sirve para proteger la identidad del indígena Brunka. Réplica de una máscara indígena más grande
Serves for protecting the identity of the indigenous Brunca (i.e from being revealed). Replica of larger indigenous mask.
Sirve para proteger la identidad del indígena Brunka. Réplica de una máscara indígena más grande
Serves for protecting the identity of the indigenous Brunca (i.e from being revealed). Replica of larger indigenous mask.
Sirve para sentar a los niños para que las ágüelas se sienten a tejer. Serves as a place where children can sit; as a place where grandmothers can sit down for knitting.
Sirve para sentar a los niños para que las ágüelas se sienten a tejer.
Serves as a place where children can sit; as a place where grandmothers can sit down for knitting.
Molde de madera para hacer queso. El molde en forma de cazuela tiene una protuberancia en el centro que le da la forma característica al queso. En la parte inferior tiene cuatro agujeros para que drene el suero.
Mould of wood for making cheese.…
Plancha con la inscripción S4 (indica tamaño y modelo), palabra ininteligible y la palabra BARATO.
Iron with inscription S4 (indicates size and model), unintelligable word, and the word CHEAP.
Barril en proceso de fabricación formado por 12 tiras de madera unidas por tres anillos de hierro.
Barrel in process of manufacture formed by 12 strips of wood joined by three rings of iron
Molde de madera para hacer queso. El molde en forma de cazuela tiene una protuberancia en el centro que le da la forma característica al queso. En la parte inferior tiene cuatro agujeros para que drene el suero.
Mould of wood for making cheese.…
Plancha con la inscripción S4 (indica tamaño y modelo), palabra ininteligible y la palabra BARATO.
Iron with inscription S4 (indicates size and model), unintelligable word, and the word CHEAP.
Barril en proceso de fabricación formado por 12 tiras de madera unidas por tres anillos de hierro.
Barrel in process of manufacture formed by 12 strips of wood joined by three rings of iron
In 1883 Victor Schoelcher made a donation to Guadeloupe: his collection of statues and reliefs plus objects from his many voyages (wood work from Benin, pre-Columbian Caribbean axes and slave shackles). The museum was opened in 1887. The ground floor…
Shetlanders wore knitted hats when off fishing, and the the multicoloured patterns contrasted with the brown oilskins and boots they wore. Visitors to the islands two hundred years ago were much taken with these vivid caps, and bartered them from the…
The Giant Land Snail, Megalobulimus oblongus. A species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Strophocheilidae. Native to a large part of the neotropical world including Argentina, Brazil, Columbia and…
Human femur, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Decorative Temple elephant, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the…
Small bowl, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Mounted human cranium, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee…
Oil stone, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Mortar, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Drum, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria…
Wood figurine, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Sea turtle, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen…
Bust from Trinidad, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of…
Decorative pipe, part of the collection of the Moruga Museum. The Moruga Museum was established in November 2013 by founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Society, Eric Lewis. Based in the rural, seaside community of Gran Chemin in south Trinidad, the…
Comb case, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and…
Calabash purse, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and…
Female bust, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and…
Jamaica's Heroes Wedgwood mug, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious…
University of London medical medal won by UCWI graduate Owen Barrow in 1964. Owen Barrow was a consultant physician who graduated from the UCWI in 1964 – one of the last couple of batches of UCWI/UWI medical students to earn a University of London…
Dr Owen Minott was one of the pioneering 33 medical students of the UCWI in 1948 and subsequently a noted amateur photographer. He was one of the early (perhaps the earliest) chroniclers of the UCWI, producing hundreds of 2.25” black and white…
An early university seal stamp. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the University of the West Indies, and its relationship to the West Indies…
The tale is told that Taylor Hall was first occupied by 101 students, including 8 freshmen who moved from the old building of Gibraltar Hall on Gibraltar Camp Road to Blocks A and B, formally called Hall 111. These two blocks, the only two on Taylor…
Metal military helmet, part of the collection of the University of the West Indies Museum. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the University…
The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff Bay River, where they remain today. The leader of the Charles Town Maroons…
Metal flat iron, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff…
Our Five Star, award winning Museum and Archives is a multifunctional visitor attraction in the heart of Shetland's capital town of Lerwick. Begin your journey through the history of our beautiful islands here, with an enjoyable and interactive…
[EN]Unst Heritage Trust and Unst Boat Haven are dedicated to the cultural heritage and history of this most northerly island in Scotland. The collection includes fine original wooden boats of various types that have been in use over the past 140…
For many hundreds of years Unst has lain in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried on the stony beaches. The dried fish were then…
For many hundreds of years Unst has lain in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried on the stony beaches. The dried fish were then…
Skye Ecomuseum is Scotland's only Ecomuseum. Located on the Isle of Skye in the north east of Scotland, itn is managed by Staffin Community Trust. The Skye Ecomuseum has had funding from a variety of European and national sources, including the…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Arts Centre is the arts and heritage centre for the Uists. Throughout the year they have visual art exhibitions, poetry and literary events, traditional music events and small festivals. They host world class contemporary…
O Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal (EMS) tem por missão investigar, conservar, documentar, interpretar, valorizar e difundir testemunhos do Homem e do meio, reportados ao território e à população do concelho, com vista a contribuir para a construção e a…
The museum is a center where the cultural heritage of the region of l'Horta Sud is exposed. It performs the functions of exhibition, conservation and diffusion of the ethnographic heritage of the municipalities of the south of Valencia. Among its…
The museum is a center where the cultural heritage of the region of l'Horta Sud is exposed. It performs the functions of exhibition, conservation and diffusion of the ethnographic heritage of the municipalities of the south of Valencia. Among its…
The Barbados Museum and Historical Society (BMHS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a membership of over 1,000 individuals and companies. A fourteen-member Council and the Director are responsible for its policies and operation.…
The Moruga Museum is dedicated to the prservation of the Sociohistoric culture of the People of Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago by extension the World. The collection is diverse and is not limited to items or from a region only, however, is open to…
The Moruga Museum is dedicated to the prservation of the Sociohistoric culture of the People of Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago by extension the World. The collection is diverse and is not limited to items or from a region only, however, is open to…
The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and reflection on Jamaica’s history and contemporary life.
As the repository…
The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and reflection on Jamaica’s history and contemporary life.
As the repository…
In its more than 60 years of existence, UWI has evolved from a fledgling college in the Caribbean island of Jamaica with 33 students to a full-fledged University with over 45,000 students, approximately 9000 graduates annually and more than 120,000…
In its more than 60 years of existence, UWI has evolved from a fledgling college in the Caribbean island of Jamaica with 33 students to a full-fledged University with over 45,000 students, approximately 9000 graduates annually and more than 120,000…
The Maroon’s Cultural Center, nestled in rural Charles Town along a lazy rolling white water river coming down from the Blue Mountains. The Maroon’s autonomy from the island’s government dates back to centuries old treaties and remains to this day.…
The Maroon’s Cultural Center, nestled in rural Charles Town along a lazy rolling white water river coming down from the Blue Mountains. The Maroon’s autonomy from the island’s government dates back to centuries old treaties and remains to this day.…
This project is a response to the need of the people of San Vicente to manage their natural and cultural resources. It is an instrument for the education, preservation and diffusion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of San Vicente.
Este museo…
This project is a response to the need of the people of San Vicente to manage their natural and cultural resources. It is an instrument for the education, preservation and diffusion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of San Vicente.
El museo busca resaltar las técnicas ancestrales de fabricación y tejido natural de artesanía, concretamente los tejidos con hilos, bejucos y el labrado de máscaras. Además pretende revitalizar la cultura tradicional de Boruca. El inmueble mismo del…
El museo busca resaltar las técnicas ancestrales de fabricación y tejido natural de artesanía, concretamente los tejidos con hilos, bejucos y el labrado de máscaras. Además pretende revitalizar la cultura tradicional de Boruca. El inmueble mismo del…
El museo está hecho por la comunidad y para la comunidad, donde se cuenta la memoria del pueblo con la voz y el trabajo de sus propios pobladores. En su arquitectura representa los diferentes momentos históricos de la vivienda en la comunidad y al…
El museo está hecho por la comunidad y para la comunidad, donde se cuenta la memoria del pueblo con la voz y el trabajo de sus propios pobladores. En su arquitectura representa los diferentes momentos históricos de la vivienda en la comunidad y al…
The Museological Department is the dependent unit of the Universidad Austral de Chile dedicated to the enhancement, conservation and study of regional cultural, historical and archaeological heritage.
It is made up of the Maurice van de Maele de…
The Museological Department is the dependent unit of the Universidad Austral de Chile dedicated to the enhancement, conservation and study of regional cultural, historical and archaeological heritage.
It is made up of the Maurice van de Maele de…
El Museo Túcume se ubica en la costa norte del Perú, en la provincia de Lambayeque, depende del Sistema Nacional de Museos del Ministerio de Cultura del Perú.
Desarrolla un trabajo de investigación científica y social al incorporar a las…
El Museo Túcume se ubica en la costa norte del Perú, en la provincia de Lambayeque, depende del Sistema Nacional de Museos del Ministerio de Cultura del Perú.
Desarrolla un trabajo de investigación científica y social al incorporar a las…
The Museo Nacional Sicán is a museum situated in the city of Ferreñafe within easy reach, 20 Km north of the city of Chiclayo. It is along the road to the Bosque de Pómac Historical Sanctuary. The museum was inaugurated in November 2001.
El Museo Nacional Sicán es un centro de investigación, conservación y difusión de las manifestaciones culturales de la población lambayecana, en particular de las matrices étnico cultural muchik y quechua de las comunidades rurales de la costa y…
For many hundreds of years Unst has lain in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried on the stony beaches. The dried fish were then…
The museum was born in 1996 from a community-school proposal with the purpose of rescuing the mapuche culture’s memory and remember and make present the belonging of these people to the community. Currently, the museum has become a great family…
The museum was born in 1996 from a community-school proposal with the purpose of rescuing the mapuche culture’s memory and remember and make present the belonging of these people to the community. Currently, the museum has become a great family…
Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume.
Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.
Lâmpada a óleo de metal zoomórfica. Tem a forma de um pássaro em pé com uma cauda aberta. O bico do canal nasce na área do peito. Na cauda e na crista tem orifícios circulares para suspensão. As patas de três dedos e "esporão" estão aparafusadas.…
El señuelo del pato de madera solía practicar tiro. Marcas de bala en la madera.
Wooden duck decoy used to practice shooting. Bullet marks on the wood.
Part of the collection of the National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon. The National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, founded in 1893 by notable archaeologist José Leite de Vasconcelos, is one of the most important Portuguese museums dedicated to…
Ferramenta usada por carpinteiros navais para puxar o cinzel de calafetagem durante a operação de calafetagem, que enche e calafeta as articulações ou bloqueia rachaduras em vasos de madeira. A calafetagem permite que barcos e embarcações de madeira…
It was common for men to do weaving in West African countries. By means of heddle pulleys the weavers separate the warp threads into ‘fans’ by means of foot pedals. Then the weft threads are ‘shot through’ these ‘fans’. Thus, fabric is created. These…
Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume.
Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.
Cuchillo utilizado en personas sacrificadas encontradas en entierros en pirámides de Túcume.
Knife used on sacrificed people found in burial in Túcume pyramids.
Barbados has long been an important stop over site for migrating birds on their southbound migration to South America where they pass the non-breeding (southern summer) season. Ospreys are migratory birds that eat fish. The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)…
Artefacto textil en hilo de oro sobre fondo de raso color crema y bordes de tela roja, es utilizado como objeto litúrgico del rito tradicional católico, disponiéndolo sobre el cubre-cáliz y cáliz respectivamente. Su color depende del día litúrgico en…
Par de formas inglesas del número 34, con suelo de hierro. El tercio superior de la forma se corta para facilitar su extracción una vez que se termina el zapato. La forma se emplea como una superficie de trabajo para la preparación de zapatos, así…
Ceramic container of cylindrical form manufactured by Wheel used to drink the hens.
Recipiente cerámico de forma cilíndrica fabricado por Wheel para beber las gallinas.
Whales are common in the North Atlantic, and since ancient times people have used their meat and oil. In regions with no trees, bones were fashioned into household items that would usully be made from timber; this handled cup is made from a backbone.…
Tradional Shetland farmsteads had outbuildings connected to the house, so people could go through to the byre to tend to the cattle, even in the strongest winter gale. For centuries light came from fish-oil lamps. Once imported glass became common…
Botella escultórica con representación zoomorfa. Presenta labio ligeramente adelgazado, gollete de paredes verticales rectas, 02 agarraderas semicirculares con una perforación central, cuerpo escultórico, y base convexa. La superficie externa ha sido…
Escultura antropomórfica encontrada na vila romana da Quinta de S. João / Quinta da Laranjeira (Arrentela, Seixal), utilizada nas práticas culticais do período romano (entre os séculos III e IV). Fundido em bronze, foi posteriormente modificado pela…
Tigela de louça comum com excesso de queima, produzida na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal) (finais do século II e III) para consumo de alimentos à mesa. O fragmento restante corresponde a aproximadamente metade do objeto.…
Candeeiro romano completo, feito de barro caulinítico, usado para iluminação na época romana, produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal) (entre a segunda metade do século IV e o início do século 5). A lâmpada tem uma forma…
Argamassa quase completa encontrada na vila romana da Quinta de S. João / Quinta da Laranjeira (Arrentela, Seixal), utilizada na preparação de alimentos, especificamente para moagem. A parte restante possui mais da metade da borda, sobre ela…
Escultura zoomórfica em terracota representando um animal da família bovidae, produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal). A estatueta está quase completa, sem apenas um dos chifres. Sob um corpo paralelepipédico, existem…
Pote pequeno de louça comum produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal) (segunda metade do século IV e início do século V) para consumo de líquidos à mesa. O aro é virado para o exterior. O corpo tende a um perfil ovóide,…
Arremessador de louça comum romana (século III), produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal) e usado para servir líquidos à mesa. O objeto está completo. Está decorado com linhas cruzadas polidas.
Roman common ware…
A hand plane used for shaping wood by hand. To reduce thickness and smooth the surface of the wood. Used by pushing the plane away from the user with both hands. Hand planes have been used since the Romans and continued through Medieval Europe and…
Traditional fishing gear had two main parts – a baited hook to catch the fish, and a weight to sink the line into the sea. This is a specialised sinker that people used where there was a very strong tide, where big fish could be caught. The pointed…
Around 1900 hundreds of Shetlanders left their native home. It was a time of hardship but also opportunity. People settled elsewhere in Britain, or further afield in the world. This doll belonged to a girl in a seaport where islanders settled as…
Corncrake birds lived in Shetland for thousands of years, nesting in cornfields. However, they have nearly disappered from the islands for over thirty years. People had come to use imported food and animal fodder, so farmers stopped growing oats and…
When off on a boat trip, people used this kind of box, known in Shetland as a bøst, to carry food or fishing flies. These boxes were made around Hordaland province, and imported in the 18th century as part of the islands’ trading links with coastal…
Jaundice is a symptom, rather than a disease. Shetlanders used folk-remedies to try to cure the condition. One way was to drink water from a stream where three landlords’ estates met. The water was scooped with the big bowl, called a kapp, and the…
Communication sped up throughout the twentieth century, but news wasn’t that new by the time it got to Shetland by sea. The wireless meant islanders were up-to-the minute by the 1930s. Radios ran on batteries that were periodically re-charged. Most…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Part of the collection of the Unst Community Museum. For many hundreds of years Unst has been in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried…
Bico romano de fonte de jardim com rosto humano e corimbus no topo da cabeça, feito de bronze. A boca é a abertura para a passagem da água. A parte de trás é plana com restos de chumbo que se conectariam a um duto de água.
Roman garden fountain…
Part of the collection of the National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon. The National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, founded in 1893 by notable archaeologist José Leite de Vasconcelos, is one of the most important Portuguese museums dedicated to…
Peça formada por uma quadriga estacionária de cavalos ligados pelas rédeas. Assenta numa plataforma quadrangular com abas com rebordo em três dos lados. Esta está sobre uma base de forma cúbica, oca. Os cavalos têm corpo alongado, pernas hirtas,…
Part of the collection of the National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon. The National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, founded in 1893 by notable archaeologist José Leite de Vasconcelos, is one of the most important Portuguese museums dedicated to…
A Dentist tool from the 1800s, used to extract teeth. The claw would be fixed between the tooth and gum, and ideally then it would take one turn to remove the tooth.
This is a typical school bell, and is in the collection of the Barbados Museum & Historical Society as one of the visual indicators of the history of education on the island. The foundations of education in Barbados were laid by the philanthropic…
Anthropomorphic statue, part of the collection of the Moruga Museum. The Moruga Museum was established in November 2013 by founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Society, Eric Lewis. Based in the rural, seaside community of Gran Chemin in south Trinidad,…
Gran recipiente de cerámica pintada para perro. El perro es gordo, lo que indica que los perros fueron comidos.
Large painted dog ceramic vessel. The dog is fat indicating dogs were eaten.
Réplica de un vaso de plata de doble pared con escena mitológica. Original se encuentra en el Museo de Arte de Denver. Las imágenes, que cubren las paredes y el fondo de la copa, incluyen una serpiente gigante llena de peces que pueden representar un…
Humpback Whale vertebral plate. The shore whaling in Barbados started in 1867, primarily hunting humpback whales, which were known to frequent Barbados’ waters in the early part of each year as they migrate from the colder Northern waters of the…
This anthropomorphic figurine possibly depicts a carving of a bound ‘prisoner’. The artifact is made of conch shell and was discovered at Fresh Water Bay in St. Michael on the island’s West Coast.
Bull's horn, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff Bay…
It was common for men to do weaving in West African countries. By means of heddle pulleys the weavers separate the warp threads into ‘fans’ by means of foot pedals. Then the weft threads are ‘shot through’ these ‘fans’. Thus, fabric is created. These…
The Dan live mostly in the western part of the Côte d’Ivoire and into Liberia. All Dan masks are sacred; they do not represent spirits of the wilderness, they are these spirits. Dan masks are characterized by a concave face, a protruding mouth,…
The monkey jar is a pottery jug used for holding drinking water and keeping it cool. This is because clay is a poor conductor of heat and since the jar is unglazed, water is able to evaporate from its surface to cool the jar. It is known for keeping…
A lamp used in the rooms of the first students (it belonged to an alumna who matriculated in 1949, the second year of the university). Part of the collection of the University of the West Indies Museum. The University of the West Indies Museum,…
The University of St Andrews is Scotland's first university, founded in 1413. Like the University, its Museums are rooted in and draw inspiration from this 600-year history of research and teaching, and the pursuit of knowledge for the common…
The University of St Andrews is Scotland's first university, founded in 1413. Like the University, its Museums are rooted in and draw inspiration from this 600-year history of research and teaching, and the pursuit of knowledge for the common good.…
The Bob Marley Museum is a museum in Kingston, Jamaica, dedicated to the reggae musician Bob Marley. The museum is located at 56 Hope Road, Kingston 6, and is Bob Marley's former place of residence.
The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda is a museum in St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda. It is housed in the colonial Court House, constructed in 1747 on the site of the first city market, and is the oldest building still in use in the city.
The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas is an art gallery in Nassau, The Bahamas. In September 2011 the gallery announced Amanda Coulson, as the new Director and 4 new staff appointments. John Cox joined the gallery in January 2012 as Chief Curator.
Museo de Arte de Ponce is an art museum located on Avenida Las Americas in Ponce, Puerto Rico. It houses a collection of European art, as well as work by Puerto Rican artists.
The Indian Caribbean Museum of Trinidad and Tobago in Waterloo, on Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago. The museum is dedicated to preserving the history of Indo-Caribbean culture.
Castillo Serrallés is a mansion located in the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, overlooking the downtown area. It was built during the 1930s for Juan Eugenio Serrallés, son of businessman Juan Serrallés, founder of Destilería Serrallés.
The National Archaeological Museum Aruba is an archaeological museum in the city of Oranjestad in Aruba. The collections covers from 2500 BCE to the 19th century. In 1981, the Archaeological Museum of Aruba was opened.
The Parque de Bombas is a historic firehouse building in Ponce, Puerto Rico. It is one of Puerto Rico's most notable buildings, with some considering it "by far the most easily recognized landmark in the Island."
The Museo de las Casas Reales is one of the important cultural monuments built during the colonial era in Hispaniola, now the Dominican Republic. It is located in the Colonial district of Santo Domingo.
The Turks and Caicos National Museum is the national museum of the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is located in Guinep House on Front Street to the north of Cockburn Town on Grand Turk Island, which is also the capital of the archipelago.
The Cayman Islands National Museum is a museum in the Cayman Islands. It is housed in the former Old Courts Building on Harbor Drive in George Town, Grand Cayman.
The Museum of the Revolution is a museum located in the Old Havana section of Havana, Cuba. The museum is housed in what was the Presidential Palace of all Cuban presidents from Mario García Menocal to Fulgencio Batista.
The Grenada National Museum is a museum in St. George's, Grenada. It is housed in a building which served as the French barracks from 1704, built on the foundations of the Fort George.
George Washington House in Barbados is a historic house where the future first U.S. President George Washington visited, in 1751. He was 19 years old at the time, and with his ailing half-brother, Lawrence Washington.
The National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana in Havana, Cuba is a museum of Fine Arts that exhibits Cuban art collections from the colonial times up to contemporary generations.
Summer Festival on Anguilla is a typical Caribbean emancipation celebration, it has been occurring on the island for over a quarter century. It’s roots however, are found in the decades of old traditional August Monday fairs, Bazaars and the old time…
When the carnival begins in Santiago de Cuba, the whole city turns into one big party!
The carnival of Santiago de Cuba is the largest, most famous, and most traditional carnival in all of Cuba, and is an explosion of colour, contagious drum…
Havana's Carnival provides a spectacular display of music, dancing, conga lines, fanciful outfits, fireworks and rum. Carnival comes with some traditions, like effigies of well known people being paraded along the coastal road, Parades run the length…
After mid 20th century all these influences started to merge together and melt down into one huge national cultural expression on the island that features people from almost fifty different nationalities.
Carnival, or 'The Real Mas', is a pre-Lenten festival, and usually falls in February or March each year. It is unquestionably the most festive season in Dominica. It is hard to miss the fervour of the people's loyalty to their favourite calypsonian…
The Carnival in the Dominican Republic is a Dominican celebration that takes place throughout February; although some Dominicans (rarely) celebrate it during Holy Week in March. [1] Dominicans are usually most festive on February 27th, which is the…
Carriacou Carnival encompasses wild and wonderfully expressive street dances, soca, fancy mas bands, calypso, the Jab Jab and even the authentic Shakespeare Mas.
In Guadeloupe Islands, Carnival is a major cultural event, which is celebrated over three months: January , February and March. If you are in Guadeloupe Islands during this period, you cannot miss out on this spectacular and colorful event. You will…
Mashramani, often abbreviated to "Mash", is an annual festival that celebrates Guyana becoming a Republic in 1970. The festival, usually held on 23 February (except for the 2016 event, this was held on Guyana's Independence Day, 26 May, to celebrate…
Martinique's version of Carnival, is a four-day event beginning just before Lent and ending on its first day, with the burning of Vaval, a papier-mâché figure symbolizing Carnival. Businesses close during Carnival.
The Carnaval de Ponce, officially Carnaval Ponceño, is an annual celebration held in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The celebration lasts one week and it ends on the day before Ash Wednesday.
The Toronto Caribbean Carnival is the official Caribbean festival overseen by the Festival Management Committee recognized as a major international event. It’s the largest cultural festival of its kind in North America.
The Leeds Carnival, also called the Leeds West Indian Carnival or the Chapeltown Carnival, is one of the longest running West Indian carnivals in Europe, having been going since 1967. The carnival is held in the Chapeltown and Harehills parts of…
The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event that has taken place in London since 1966 on the streets of Notting Hill, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, each August over two days (the August bank holiday Monday and the preceding…
The Nottingham Carnival Weekend, formerly the Nottingham Caribbean Carnival, is a superb multi-cultural event held every summer. The Carnival has been going from strength to strength, developing local artists and practitioners and improving year on…
St Pauls Carnival is an annual African Caribbean carnival held, usually on the first Saturday of July, in St Pauls, Bristol. The celebration began life in 1968 as the St Pauls Festival, when the idea was "to create an event to help improve…
The annual Cambridge Carnival International festival uses the Trinidad and Tobago model to bring together Cambridge’s diverse community for a spectacular annual costume parade and celebration.
The tailor's goose iron was a long and thin iron, compared to its household counterpart, with handles that resemble that of a goose's neck. It was traditionally used by tailors for smoothing fabric and pressing seams. There were usually multiple…
The iron ball was part of punishment for enslaved people in Barbados. The ball would be fastened to a short chain that was shackled to an enslaved person’s legs. The enslaved person would have to continue labour whilst shackled to the ball, which…
Scrapers made from a variety of materials were popular tools for Amerindian communities. Scrapers are typically formed by chipping the end of a flake of stone in order to create one sharp side and to keep the rest of the sides dull to facilitate…
The Cassava grater was part of the preparation process for Cassava by Amerindian communities. Jerome Handler, in his article “Aspects of Amerindian Ethnography in 17th Century Barbados” stated that: “ in processing the cassava, traditional Amerindian…
The museum is housed in a late 19th century building and is dedicated to diplomat and Nobel-prize-winning poet Alex Leger (pseud. Saint-John Perse). The ground floor is one main room which is a period room. This shows the style in which Leger grew up…
The museum is dedicated to Edgar Clerc, Guadeloupe's first archaeologist. In 1972 he donated his collection for the creation of an archaeological museum. Recently, archaeologists from Leiden University opened an exhibition here, which functions as a…
This is a museum on the grounds of a working distillery (which cannot be visited). The first part, opened in 1990, focuses on the production of sugar and rum. There are photographs, but also a wooden sugar cane mill, a model ox cart and other…
The visit to this operational distillery is essentially a tour of the estate, both by foot and on a small train. The walk is self-guided, following a map with descriptions of 11 points. It begins with the mill where sugar cane is being crushed, past…