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Dr Nola Ishmael OBE.png
Nola Ishmael left Barbados In 1963 to start her nursing career in the National Health Service (NHS) at a hospital in Bishops Stortford. She later moved to the Whittington Hospital in London to gain her State Registration Qualification. Within 18…

Nola Ishmael left Barbados In 1963 to start her nursing career in the National Health Service (NHS) at a hospital in Bishops Stortford. She later moved to the Whittington Hospital in London to gain her State Registration Qualification. Within 18…

Dr Trevor Hall CBE.png
Born in Barbados in 1941, in his teens Trevor became an outstanding leader in the Church Lads’ Brigade, first visiting the UK on its behalf, aged 16. In the early 60s, he travelled to England to work for London Transport while maintaining his…

Born in Barbados in 1941, in his teens Trevor became an outstanding leader in the Church Lads’ Brigade, first visiting the UK on its behalf, aged 16. In the early 60s, he travelled to England to work for London Transport while maintaining his…

Wayne Marshall was born in Oldham, Lancashire, to Barbadian parents, on January 13,1961. He played the piano by ear at three, and began lessons at seven. He studied organ and piano at 11 at Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester.  Later studies were…

Dr Owen Minott was one of the pioneering 33 medical students of the UCWI in 1948 and subsequently a noted amateur photographer. He was one of the early (perhaps the earliest) chroniclers of the UCWI, producing hundreds of 2.25” black and white…

Dr Owen Minott was one of the pioneering 33 medical students of the UCWI in 1948 and subsequently a noted amateur photographer. He was one of the early (perhaps the earliest) chroniclers of the UCWI, producing hundreds of 2.25” black and white…

Drum, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria…

Drum, part of the collection of the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. The National Museum and Art Gallery was established originally as the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI) in 1892 in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria…

E.R. Braithwaite.png
E.R. Braithwaite, (Eustace Edward Ricardo Braithwaite), Guyanese author and diplomat (born June 27, 1912, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana) — died December 12, 2016, Rockville, Md.), was the author of the best-selling memoir To Sir, with Love…

E.R. Braithwaite, (Eustace Edward Ricardo Braithwaite), Guyanese author and diplomat (born June 27, 1912, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana) — died December 12, 2016, Rockville, Md.), was the author of the best-selling memoir To Sir, with Love…

An early university seal stamp. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the University of the West Indies, and its relationship to the West Indies…

An early university seal stamp. The University of the West Indies Museum, commonly called the UWI Museum, was established in 2012. Its focus is the history and development of the University of the West Indies, and its relationship to the West Indies…

Title Ecomusee CreoleArt Description This museum was begun in 1989 by Jocelyn Roumbo and made collaboratively to preserve and show the nature, history, culture & traditions of Guadeloupe. The visit is self-guided and begins with the Jardin…

This project is a response to the need of the people of San Vicente to manage their natural and cultural resources. It is an instrument for the education, preservation and diffusion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of San Vicente. Este museo…

This project is a response to the need of the people of San Vicente to manage their natural and cultural resources. It is an instrument for the education, preservation and diffusion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of San Vicente.

El Ecomuseo del Hábitat Rural de Sinarcas, Valencia, tiene como misión mostrar al visitante una vivienda agrícola del siglo XIX y la forma de vida rural de una familia de aquella época, un viaje en el tiempo para conocer la historia y el pasado de…

O Ecomuseu Terra Mater – Ecomuseu de la Tierra de Miranda centra-se nos quatro elementos primordiais – a água, a terra, o fogo e o ar – propondo atividades de dinamização e de valorização relacionadas com estes elementos e com as práticas…

O Ecomuseu Terra Mater – Ecomuseu de la Tierra de Miranda centra-se nos quatro elementos primordiais – a água, a terra, o fogo e o ar – propondo atividades de dinamização e de valorização relacionadas com estes elementos e com as práticas…

O âmbito de intervenção do Ecomuseu de Barroso abrange a maioria dos propósitos convencionalmente atribuídos aos museus. Com consciência plena da necessidade de cumprir esse conjunto de funções, pretende assumir-se como elemento âncora da estratégia…

O Ecomuseu de Redondo é um espaço a céu aberto, vivo e ativo, que permitirá efetuar um reconhecimento direto do património arqueológico e ambiental, funcionando como um espelho onde se pode observar o território e a vivência humana desde tempos…

O Ecomuseu de Barroso afirma-se como fiel representante da Identidade do povo e motor de formação, participação, cooperação, inovação e mobilização. O Património Imaterial é a grande pérola deste museu, assumindo a recolha de lendas, tradições,…

Autodefine-se como um processo dinâmico através do qual a comunidade corvina preserva, interpreta e gere o seu património - material e imaterial, humano e natural - para o desenvolvimento sustentável, tendo por base um acordo da comunidade.

O Núcleo Museológico do Sal tem o objetivo de interpretar, valorizar e difundir testemunhos singulares reportados à relação secular do Homem com o território das salinas do concelho da Figueira da Foz. Situado na Salina Municipal do Corredor da…

Esta estrutura museológica destina-se a dar a conhecer ao visitante a história do Rio Zêzere e está instalado na antiga Tulha dos Cabrais. Historicamente os Cabrais foram a mais importante família de Belmonte, grandes proprietários construíram…

Transformada em Ecomuseu, a marinha da Troncalhada mostra aos seus visitantes os métodos de produção artesanal do sal, explora a paisagem, fauna e flora características, bem como mantém vivas as vivências e tradições ligadas a esta atividade…

O Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal (EMS) tem por missão investigar, conservar, documentar, interpretar, valorizar e difundir testemunhos do Homem e do meio, reportados ao território e à população do concelho, com vista a contribuir para a construção e a…

O Ecomuseu de Ribeira de Pena pretende preservar e divulgar o património cultural da comunidade ribeirapenense, assim como promover e dinamizar a ação cultural na sua região de implantação. Integra os vários museus do município instalados em…

O Ecomuseu de Ribeira de Pena pretende preservar e divulgar o património cultural da comunidade ribeirapenense, assim como promover e dinamizar a ação cultural na sua região de implantação. Integra os vários museus do município instalados em…

Edric Connor.png
Edric Connor is primarily remembered by filmgoers as an actor for his work on screen during the last 15 years of his life, but the Trinidad-born singer also played a pivotal role in the introduction of what is now called world music to England during…

Edric Connor is primarily remembered by filmgoers as an actor for his work on screen during the last 15 years of his life, but the Trinidad-born singer also played a pivotal role in the introduction of what is now called world music to England during…

Egbert Moore (Lord Beginner).jpg
Lord Beginner (born Egbert Moore) was at the heart of the expansion of calypso music immediately after WW2. Originally from Trinidad, Beginner recorded and toured in New York with other leading members of the Trinidad's "Old Brigade" of calypsonians,…

Lord Beginner (born Egbert Moore) was at the heart of the expansion of calypso music immediately after WW2. Originally from Trinidad, Beginner recorded and toured in New York with other leading members of the Trinidad's "Old Brigade" of calypsonians,…

Around 1900 hundreds of Shetlanders left their native home. It was a time of hardship but also opportunity. People settled elsewhere in Britain, or further afield in the world. This doll belonged to a girl in a seaport where islanders settled as…

Around 1900 hundreds of Shetlanders left their native home. It was a time of hardship but also opportunity. People settled elsewhere in Britain, or further afield in the world. This doll belonged to a girl in a seaport where islanders settled as…

Eric Lynch speaks about his family history with ties from the Caribbean to Liverpool in the Claude Graham series "Unshackled". Footage courtesy the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.

Errol Brown.png
Pop singer/songwriter and front man for Hot Chocolate, Errol Brown was born in Jamaica and moved to Britain when he was 12. His musical career started in 1969, when he and some friends sent a reggae version of Give Peace A Chance to John Lennon.…

Pop singer/songwriter and front man for Hot Chocolate, Errol Brown was born in Jamaica and moved to Britain when he was 12. His musical career started in 1969, when he and some friends sent a reggae version of Give Peace A Chance to John Lennon.…

Errollyn Wallen MBE.jpg
Born in Belize, Errollyn Wallen gave up her training at the Dance Theater of Harlem, New York to study composition at the universities of London and Cambridge. She founded her own Ensemble X, and its motto ’We don’t break down barriers in music… we…

Born in Belize, Errollyn Wallen gave up her training at the Dance Theater of Harlem, New York to study composition at the universities of London and Cambridge. She founded her own Ensemble X, and its motto ’We don’t break down barriers in music… we…

Cerámica Blackware que representa una deidad escorpión. Blackware ceramic depicting a scorpion deity.

Cerámica Blackware que representa una deidad escorpión. Blackware ceramic depicting a scorpion deity.

Caja de madera con muela para afilar cuchillos y hachas. Wooden box with grindstone for sharpening knives and axes.

Caja de madera con muela para afilar cuchillos y hachas. Wooden box with grindstone for sharpening knives and axes.

Encontra-se instalado num edifício antes ocupado pelo matadouro municipal, remodelado e ampliado em 2007. Percorrendo as suas salas, ingressamos no mundo da emigração ilegal dos anos 60 e 70, conhecendo todos os momentos, desde as causas, a…

Escultura antropomórfica encontrada na vila romana da Quinta de S. João / Quinta da Laranjeira (Arrentela, Seixal), utilizada nas práticas culticais do período romano (entre os séculos III e IV). Fundido em bronze, foi posteriormente modificado pela…

Escultura antropomórfica encontrada na vila romana da Quinta de S. João / Quinta da Laranjeira (Arrentela, Seixal), utilizada nas práticas culticais do período romano (entre os séculos III e IV). Fundido em bronze, foi posteriormente modificado pela…

Escultura zoomórfica em terracota representando um animal da família bovidae, produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal). A estatueta está quase completa, sem apenas um dos chifres. Sob um corpo paralelepipédico, existem…

Escultura zoomórfica em terracota representando um animal da família bovidae, produzido na oficina de cerâmica romana da Quinta do Rouxinol (Seixal). A estatueta está quase completa, sem apenas um dos chifres. Sob um corpo paralelepipédico, existem…

The Costa Rica festival video forms part of a suite of videos being hosted on the project website and database to celebrate cultural heritage, intergenerational transmission of knowledge, and youth empowerment between regions. This collaboration…

Interview with Curator Allison Thompson for the Barbadian programme "Eye on the Arts", which aired on February 9th 2019.

Female bust, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and…

Female bust, part of the collection of the National Museum of Jamaica. The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and…

Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume. Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume. Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume. Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Figura antropomórfica de entierro en miniatura del entierro en pirámides de Túcume. Miniature burial anthropomorphic figure from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Peça formada por uma quadriga estacionária de cavalos ligados pelas rédeas. Assenta numa plataforma quadrangular com abas com rebordo em três dos lados. Esta está sobre uma base de forma cúbica, oca. Os cavalos têm corpo alongado, pernas hirtas,…

Peça formada por uma quadriga estacionária de cavalos ligados pelas rédeas. Assenta numa plataforma quadrangular com abas com rebordo em três dos lados. Esta está sobre uma base de forma cúbica, oca. Os cavalos têm corpo alongado, pernas hirtas,…

Figura en tocado de plumas de entierro en las pirámides de Túcume. Figure in headdress made from feathers from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Figura en tocado de plumas de entierro en las pirámides de Túcume. Figure in headdress made from feathers from burial in Túcume pyramids.

Botella escultórica con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. Tiene evidencias de una asa cintada, ubicada en la cara posterior, que une el extremo inferior…

Botella escultórica con representación antropomorfa. Presenta labio adelgazado, gollete de paredes convergentes rectas, cuerpo escultórico, y base plana. Tiene evidencias de una asa cintada, ubicada en la cara posterior, que une el extremo inferior…

Shetlanders wore knitted hats when off fishing, and the the multicoloured patterns contrasted with the brown oilskins and boots they wore. Visitors to the islands two hundred years ago were much taken with these vivid caps, and bartered them from the…

Shetlanders wore knitted hats when off fishing, and the the multicoloured patterns contrasted with the brown oilskins and boots they wore. Visitors to the islands two hundred years ago were much taken with these vivid caps, and bartered them from the…

Traditional fishing gear had two main parts – a baited hook to catch the fish, and a weight to sink the line into the sea. This is a specialised sinker that people used where there was a very strong tide, where big fish could be caught. The pointed…

Traditional fishing gear had two main parts – a baited hook to catch the fish, and a weight to sink the line into the sea. This is a specialised sinker that people used where there was a very strong tide, where big fish could be caught. The pointed…

Metal flat iron, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff…

Metal flat iron, part of the collection of the Charles Town Maroons Museum. The Charles Town Maroons occupied Crawford Town high in the Blue Mountains before signing the Peace Treaty with the British when they moved down to Charles Town on the Buff…

Floella Benjamin.png
Floella is best known to a generation as the presenter of the BBC's pre-school children's programme Play School, alongside mute co-stars Humpty, Jemima, and Little Ted but now she runs her own production company, and is also chairman of the film and…

Floella is best known to a generation as the presenter of the BBC's pre-school children's programme Play School, alongside mute co-stars Humpty, Jemima, and Little Ted but now she runs her own production company, and is also chairman of the film and…

PWRR Queens Museum - Walter Tull Exhibition

Par de formas inglesas del número 34, con suelo de hierro. El tercio superior de la forma se corta para facilitar su extracción una vez que se termina el zapato. La forma se emplea como una superficie de trabajo para la preparación de zapatos, así…

Par de formas inglesas del número 34, con suelo de hierro. El tercio superior de la forma se corta para facilitar su extracción una vez que se termina el zapato. La forma se emplea como una superficie de trabajo para la preparación de zapatos, así…

Fort Charles was built between 1650 and 1660, the first fort constructed in Port Royal, Jamaica.

Situado en la 1ª planta del Palau de La Vila, muestra una colección integrada por diferentes objetos que datan desde el siglo XVIII hasta nuestros días, a través de los cuales se narran los diferentes procesos artesanales de la producción textil. En…

George William Lamming, (born June 8, 1927, Carrington Village, near Bridgetown, Barbados), is a West Indian novelist and essayist who wrote about decolonization and reconstruction in the Caribbean nations. At Combermere High School, Lamming studied…

George Washington House in Barbados is a historic house where the future first U.S. President George Washington visited, in 1751. He was 19 years old at the time, and with his ailing half-brother, Lawrence Washington.

The Giant Land Snail, Megalobulimus oblongus. A species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Strophocheilidae. Native to a large part of the neotropical world including Argentina, Brazil, Columbia and…

The Giant Land Snail, Megalobulimus oblongus. A species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Strophocheilidae. Native to a large part of the neotropical world including Argentina, Brazil, Columbia and…

This Amerindian artefact is most recognisable as a face that adorned the Barbados Museum and Historical Society’s logo

This Amerindian artefact is most recognisable as a face that adorned the Barbados Museum and Historical Society’s logo

Gorilla skull from the Bell Pettigrew Natural History Museum - Teaching Collection, University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Gorilla skull from the Bell Pettigrew Natural History Museum - Teaching Collection, University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Green Sea Turtle Skull

Green Sea Turtle Skull

The Grenada National Museum is a museum in St. George's, Grenada. It is housed in a building which served as the French barracks from 1704, built on the foundations of the Fort George.

In Guadeloupe Islands, Carnival is a major cultural event, which is celebrated over three months: January , February and March. If you are in Guadeloupe Islands during this period, you cannot miss out on this spectacular and colorful event. You will…

Guy moved from Jamaica to Bristol in 1961 to live with his aunt, as his father thought that he would receive a better education in England, which they called the ‘Mother Country’. Guy was disappointed by the lack of support for Black students and the…

Guy moved from Jamaica to Bristol in 1961 to live with his aunt, as his father thought that he would receive a better education in England, which they called the ‘Mother Country’. Guy was disappointed by the lack of support for Black students and the…

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Haitian Carnival is a celebration held over several weeks each year leading up to Mardi Gras.

Part of the collection of the National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon. The National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, founded in 1893 by notable archaeologist José Leite de Vasconcelos, is one of the most important Portuguese museums dedicated to…

Part of the collection of the National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon. The National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, founded in 1893 by notable archaeologist José Leite de Vasconcelos, is one of the most important Portuguese museums dedicated to…

Havana's Carnival provides a spectacular display of music, dancing, conga lines, fanciful outfits, fireworks and rum. Carnival comes with some traditions, like effigies of well known people being paraded along the coastal road, Parades run the length…
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